"So I can ask you out?" I smirk raising my eyebrows. She laughs putting a strand of her blonde hair behind her ear.

"If you want..."

"Hmm okay... will you go on a date with me? Right now?"

"What? Now?" She giggles as I nod. "Okay but I need to get ready."

"Alright love, I'll wait," I wink and kiss her cheek.


An hour later after we both finished getting ready, I take her out to eat. We talk as we usually do not making things awkward. After dessert I take her hand as I kiss her knuckles.

"Will you be my girlfriend Alexa?"

She smiles nodding.

After dinner, we make our way back to our apartment. Our hands linked together. As I shut the door, I hold her back turning her whole body around as I hold her in my arms and kiss her.

Our kiss becomes more passionate and heavy. I carry her to my bedroom as bit by bit we undress.

I kiss every part of her body softly making her whimper with anticipation below me. Every touch, every kiss, every thrust. Our night became a magical one. One of many more.


I make my way out of the building of my college as I then bump with someone.


"Oh hey Drake!" I laugh as he smiles at me.

"Long time no see aye."

"I know, I thought you graduated already."

"No, I took a break for a while. You?"

"I'm graduating by the end of April," I smile at him.

"That's great! I hope I'm invited to your graduation."

"Of course you are," I giggle.

"Are you throwing a huge party?"

"Not sure honestly. We will see, I'll let you know."

"Yeah! You still have the same number?"

"Mmmhm. Just text me, I have to go," I smile and give him a hug.

"Hey! Get away from her!" I hear Edward as he pushes Drake off me.

"What the hell man?" Drake glares at him.

"Edward!" I gasp clenching my jaw.

"She's mine. Stay away from her," Edward threatens Drake.

"She's my friend, you can't be so possessive."

"I'll watch my back if I were you," Edward points at him. I grab his arm pulling him away as I look at Drake whispering that I'm sorry.

"What is the matter with you?!" I yell at him as we're away from people by a tree.

"Nothing. I don't like that guy—"

"You don't like any guy that talks to me," I scoff. "Look, I don't have time for your bullshit Ed, I have to get to work."

"Savvy I'm sorry. I was looking for you to apologize," he sighs as he holds to my arms. "I'm sorry for being such an asshole. I was just upset because my brother is back and I thought you would leave me for him. I love you I don't want to lose you."


"Savvy I'm sorry baby—"

"Stop. You broke up with me and that's how it is."

"But I didn't mean it. I was an idiot. I don't want to lose you."

"Edward we have to end things either way. We can't continue I'm sorry."

"It's all because of Harry isn't it?"

"I don't know if I love you Edward," tears escape as I avoid his gaze.

"You don't know if you love me? You're saying this because Harry is back. Look at me Savannah."

My heart is breaking just hearing him. I can't look at him, I hate myself for feeling this way. Edward doesn't deserve it.

"Savannah look at me and say it to my face."

I sigh looking back at him as I wipe a few tears.

"I don't love you Edward. You know who truly has my heart."

"I see. Well I wish you the best of luck Savvy."

I look at him as he glares at me. Tears stream down his face as he turns around and walks away. I tried to stop him but stopped myself.

I need to let him go. 

Trouble Follows (H.S) [Book 2] ✔Where stories live. Discover now