Shikadai Nara

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Shikadai Nara

Everyone went quiet when the orb started to glow again. The black screen turned on again. Everyone was watching.

The Chunin exams

Announcer: Next up Shikamaru Nara v.s Temari of the sand.

Ino: Go get her Shikamaru! Don't lose to that little sand bitch!!!!

Temari: Did you just call me a bitch, bitch. Hahaha, your gonna regret that bitch.

Ino: Shikamaru you better kick that annoying bitches ass!!! You hear.

Naruto: You tell'em ino

Shikamaru: well this will be a drag and I don't want to fight a girl because that would be rude. *sigh* but whatever, let's get this over with.

Announcer: Ready 3... 2... 1... begin!

Temari and shikamaru start fighting. Temari uses her fans wind style jutsu. Shikamaru trys using his shadows on her. Temari dodges all of his shadows. The sun comes out and temari doesn't notice shikamarus shadows growing bigger. Shikamaru traps temari in his shadows. Shikamaru makes temari lift up her hand. And she thinks he's gonna make her forfeit, but then he says he quits and everyone in the audience gets confuesed including temari.

Shikamaru: I didn't have enough chakra so I couldn't have won, and besides it would be a drag to beat a girl. *Smirks*

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