11. Malocchio

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"There's so much in our way," moaned Lance. Raina shoved another mouthful of food into her mouth and watched as Lance pulled at his hair in frustration. They had decided to rest in the cave for the night in order to come up with a plan, but their situation had only gotten worse. Luna's injury hadn't gotten any better and she now refused to move. If that wasn't enough, Raina had noticed that the wound in Lance's side had become infected. They had to get moving soon or risk the Ladon soldiers hunting them down, and they were also running short on supplies.

"Where's the nearest town?"

Lance frowned at her, sweat dripping down his face. "Exeter, but it's too dangerous. My father has men there, or he used to. There's no way of telling if they're friends or foes now. Also, it's a border town, meaning there will be more soldiers than usual."

"It's a chance we're going to have to take. We need to find a doctor."

"I'm fine," he grunted and forced a smile. "See? I'm great."

"I was worried about Luna not you," said Raina smugly as she put together a small pack of gear.

"You're not going down there by yourself. Even if they are on our side, they don't know who you are."

Raina snorted. "They'll know when I'm done with them."

"You don't even have a sword." Lance forced himself to his feet, gripping onto the rock wall for support. "I'm going with you."

"You can barely walk, and we don't have transportation," Raina persisted. "You're just going to slow me down."

"Slow and steady wins the race."

Raina frowned. "Alright then. Let's go."

Lance met her glare. She had a glint in her eyes, like she was challenging him. He nodded his head and stepped forward, taking his hand off the wall. Lance stood tall and proud, his chin in the air, until a sudden wave of pain shot through his body. His legs shook, and his vision became distorted and spun around him. Raina grabbed him before he toppled over, gently helping him to the ground.

"That's what I thought," scoffed Raina as Lance's clutched his torso, his teeth gritted in pain.

He huffed in defeat. "Exeter isn't a safe place. It's overrun with dangerous people who would do anything for a good buck. Your best bet is to find a woman they call the Malocchio."

"Malocchio," Raina repeated. "Like the evil eye?"

Lance nodded. "That's her. She's an old family friend. If anyone is gonna be willing to help us, it's her. She's very hard to get in contact with. You'll have to take my sword if you want to have any chance of meeting up with her."

Raina took the sword Lance handed her, eyeing its structure. It was heavier and a bit bulkier than the one she was used to, but not so much that it would be impossible to use. She could tell the material used to make it was durable, and red striped adorned a simple hilt. Raina sliced the air with it, and she was surprised to see how swift and silent it cut. Lance smiled at her admiration.

"Malocchio made that herself. She's one of the best blacksmith's in the empire, and my father just happens to be her best customer. She'll recognize it as mine when she sees it."

Raina nodded and pulled the hood over her head. She placed the sword on her belt and draped Lance's cloak around it.

"Hey princess," Lance called out as Raina headed down the opposite side. "Don't do anything stupid."

Raina snorted. "As long as you promise not to jump off any more cliffs."

Lance gave her a small smile. "If you aren't back by morning, then I'm coming after you."

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