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Jimin hasn't been in little space in six days. He's been wallowing around for those six days barley eating or sleeping and being drunk a lot. He still hadn't received any thing from yoongi and it was driving him insane

Jimin was sitting in yoongis office going over his files for his assignment. Jimin had spent the entirety of the day shopping online for things that the victims would like him to wear,Jimin had died his hair dark silver like the victim would like

Jimin finished scanning over a page of info when he sighed and laid his head on the desk it was night time and the only light that was present was the lamp and computer

A ding from the computer for jimins attention and he hurried to open the email yoongi received

Jimin squinted his eyes in confusion as he read over the email

Dearest min,

Please meet me at my apartment as we have things to discuss concerning your brat and the deal between us this is important for both you and I. Dress nicely.  The address is xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx cx(random street name)


Jimin didn't want to believe it. Yoongi would never lie to him or cheat on him at that. In a hurry Jimin looked at all the reports of the trucks being bust into ,all of the trucks that were broken into were here in Korea not China

There was the proof. Yoongi lied to him.

Jimin stood teary eyed as he got on the phone and called jeonguk down to the office he was in

When jeongik walked into the office he didn't expect to be tackled from behind and tied up with a rope by jimin who was crying while he dragged him to put him in a chair

"Where the fuck is yoongi!!!" Jimin screamed and pointed a gun at him which didn't faze jungkook at all

"He's out on a mission to take care of the trucks being broken into yoongi told you that min remember" jungkook has a sickening feeling inside his gut as he watched jimin go and get a stack for papers and shove them in jungkooks face

"Then tell me why all the trucks were in Korea and not China and yoongi received an email from some girl telling him to meet her at her apartment!!" Jimin threw the papers down to the floor grabbing his hair frustrated

"Jimin-" jungkook started but was cut of

"You knew didn't you and namjoon too you guys let me be miserable. You let him sneak around me. What kind of friends are you" Jimin sobbed not knowing if he was over reacting but he hated liars and he was always a trust worthy person he didn't deserve this

Before jimin broke down even more he needed to leave. He got all his files and packed while jungkook wriggled around trying to free himself

"Where the hell are you going?!!" Jungkook yelled after jimin

"I'm going to China to pay my daddy dearest a visit I'll call taehyung to come free you while im on the plane" Jimin wipes his eyes and left the room while jungkook continued to scream after him

When he was walking hoseok ran to him on a hurry

"Where are you going jimin yoongi wouldn't like it if you left" he reminded and jimin

"He'll get over it" Jimin deadpanned  leaving the building and going home to pack

Jimin got on a flight to China it was daytime there at the time and by the time jimin would get there it would be the perfect time to catch yoongi in a lie

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