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Jimin entered the Mafias training ring with his workout clothes on which got almost everyone's attention. He felt awkward after two years of being away from the mafia and suddenly coming back everyone was freaking out.  He had the looks the attitude and even outside connections to getting information. Nobody knew how to act. He would caych people staring and taking pictures which he let then know to delete because of yoongi.

Jimin had started warming up by lifting a few weights and using the boxing bag for a bit. He had started stretching when yoongi walked through the door with namjoon and jungkook by his side

The got in front of jimin who was sitting in a middle spilt. Leaning forward with his elbows on the floor face being held by his palms

"Jungkook here wants to fight you babydoll" yoongi said and jimin scoffs nodding

"Don't be so cocky I've got more than a foot of height on you" jungkook said squating down and patting jimins head to his surprise jimin uses his upper body strength lifting his legs in the air kicking him in the  face and doing a flip landing straddled on his lap

"Oh yeah well I've got speed and flexibility on you" jimin says in a chirp

Yoongi smirks as jungkook massages his head from the bare footed kick from jimin

"I wasn't ready" he grumbled and yoongi raises an eyebrow

"I trained you to always be ready" he said and jungkook rolls his eyes


Jimin helped jungkook up and dusted off his leggings while Staring at yoonhi.

"I'll give you three days to prepare and then we are on"jimin says and jungkook scoffed

"I've watched  most of your matches I know all your tricks let's do this now" jungkook said and jimin nodded clicking his tounge to yoongi who nodded

"Alright meet you in the ring in an hour" jimin smiled and turned around going back to punching the punching bag he had in front of him

Yoongi watched as all his men trained to the hardest extent,there was no drugs,steroids of any kind to help them get to the desired muscle or strength level it was all hard work.

Jimin stepped into the boxing ring where they had a line of their toughest men waiting spar with THE ace of the mafia

Yoongi watched as when they went to bow at eachother jimin didnt bow and just stood there starring

"Aren't you gonna bow you brat its disrespectful" the ringleader scolded and jimin rolled his eyes

"When it comes to fighting. practice or not there is no respect or distraction for example hes bowing and paying attention to what i say meaning ive got time to make coffee"

"Wait what"

"Surprise" jimin giggled as he kicked him dead in the face punching him and grabbing an arm  breaking the elbow and throwing him to the ground

"Oh this is your left hand and your name is jaxx meaning that was your jerk off hand oops" he giggled and yoongi scoffed jimin had always trained hard if you stepped into a ring with him you'd end up half dead or hsge permanent damages.  the only person that has ever beaten him is yoongi but he couldn't even say he won that battle

The man was picked up and taken on a stretcher while the next stepped up he was slightly bigger than the other guy but jimin ignored that

"Feeling cocky pipsqueak" he smirked and patted jimins head

Jimin didnt like that at all so he bit one of his fingers off. And then proceeded to grab his nuts popping the ballsack like chewing gum

"Dont ever call me pipsqueak again or ill eat your eyeballs and knee caps" he spit in the mans face walking to get some water

Yoongi stood up and walked to the ring looking at the men who looked terrified to match jimin

"Jimin sweety please try nor to kill my men i need them" he said and jimin rolled his eyes

"Im not killing then yet this is a warm up" he bounced while giggling

"Come on chim i bet jungkook will want to get in the ring with you" yoongi said and jimin nodded

Jungkook stepped into the ring dressed in his training body suit while jimin only had on a t shirt and leggings

"Are you that scared you wore a tech suit" jimin giggled and jungkook rolled his eyes

"Your a tough opponent i need a head start" he said and lunged to jimin who was still laughing

"Haha, not a chance" he chuckled dodging jungkooks attack

"Not bad for an agent whos been hiding away for a year" jungkook snided throwing a left hook to which jimin caught easily

"Ill make sure you babysit me next time im in little space and yoongi has to leave" jimin said and jungkook shook his head  using a karate move to kick jimin in the face

Jimin wasnt too discombobulated that just made him mad

"You know jungkookie" he took a break to spit out blood from his busted lip

"I dont like feet" he said running to the jungkook taking off into a tumble of flips confusing jungkook. Not knowing how to stop jimins advance jungkook dodged but jimin caught on and stopped flipping to punch jungkook in thr face once he landed

Jungkook shook his head and held his jaw

"You little bastard" he grumbled and jimin chuckled

Landing punches left and right

This fight went on for another thirty minutes. People were crowded around the ring watching as jungkook and jimin fought

Jimin was getting tired while jungkook was still energized

"You are a good oppenent pipsqeak" jungkook laughed and jimin smiled

"Hey kookie"

"Yeah chim"

"Visitor" jimin chirped and jungkook looked around spotting taehyung

"Gukie!!" Taehyung smiled and jungkook tried to focus

When he turned back around to face jimin. jimin had a foot coming towards his face

It was too late and jungkook flew out of the ring with a grunt

Taehyung gasped and jimin giggled

The crowd clapped and cheered for jimin for beating the second top agent after his leave

Yoongi smiled as jimin was lifted and the crowd cheered "ace ace ace ace" over again

Before yoongi could go hug jimin he got an text from namjoon

In all the happy buzz yoongis bark silenced everything

"Kitten" he called and jimin came running

"Your mission may start sooner than we thought get your things we are headed to my office" yoongi said in all seriousness

"Yes daddy"

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