there will be no more sunshine

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The forecast says there will be no more sunshine,

It won't return for a long time.

The plants will shrivel and die; the air turn stale; the people stop laughing.

My heart says you won't come back.

Not anymore.

Maybe they're linked, maybe they're not,

All I know is that your eyes were like liquid gold; your smile like pure light; your touch like a candle flame.

But there will be no more sunshine,

You won't return for a long time.

And so the rain in my heart strikes against my ribcage,

The lightning that splices my veins shoots across my skin.

The thunder, a raging howl and sob of anger, crashes against my skull,

The hail and sleet of forgotten words and threatening thoughts quake over my lips.

The tsunami of no self-control bruises my fingers, 

And I remember-

There will be no more sunshine.

You won't come back.

The rain won't stop, the lightning will continue to strike

The thunder will scream over and over, the hail and sleet will stab and pierce,

The tsunami will drown, conquer, and grin over its deathly victory, and I will remember-

How it felt to have the sun kiss my skin, 

How it felt when liquid gold poured over my senses,

How that smile,

That smile,

Will haunt my mind, glaringly bright, for decades to come.

There will be no more sunshine, and I know, this time,

You won't come back.

[i have to own this heartbreak] p.t

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