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'Hello'  by Winner

Kim Mingyu the colorblind virgin wants the help of Jeon Wonwoo the librarian's assistant

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Mingyu left the skepticism in him overflow as he wandered around the numerous amounts rows of bookshelves in Sebunteen Library. His long yet slender fingers brushing against the hard-covered spines of the bindings while avoiding those with sharp edges. He came mentally prepared, questions and such practiced in front of the mirror, but upon even entering the building full of writings, he proceeded to jumble his questions with new ones.
The colorblind virgin knew was going to face death for the second time in less than a week. Maybe worse. Maybe better. How much he knew he was to dread this, but at the moment, it was his best and only lead to know what exactly he wanted.

The following day after his hospitalization, he thought and thought and thought about what happened back on Wednesday, mostly because the purple thing seriously freaked him out. It wasn't possible. It shouldn't and couldn't be. Seeing color was just something that was supposed to be impossible... or at least, for him. Especially a color as bright as purple, and he meant it.
Purple? In his spectrum of gray?


"What are you doing here? Your victim's not in today,"

Mingyu whipped himself around, about to scream but hushed himself by biting his tongue. He spoke in what could be called a whisper, "Can you not?!"
"How so? All I'm doing is my job," Jihoon questioned.
"Your job?! You call sneaking around and scaring the living crap out of me a job?!"

The pink-haired male smirked before his face scrunched in disgust, watching the bundle of nerves he enjoyed teasing 'til he exploded out of embarrassment.

"U-huh... So now I'm the stalker?" Jihoon scanned the giant. "Mingyu, are you okay? You're acting like one of those high school anime girls Soonyoung watches when they're about to confess to..." He took a step back. One of his eyebrows raising as he continued to speak, although the statement was now a question. "...their crush?"

Mingyu's cheeks and ears flared a dark gray as he made a giant 'X' with his arms.

"Wait! N-no! It's not that! I just wanted to know something real quick about Wonwoo,"

It was only for a moment, but at that moment, Jihoon's eyes sparkled with interest. The said boy looked down at his feet, tapping his right one in though, before clicking his tongue and flicking the taller's forehead with a small hop.

"If you're interested in him, you're asking the wrong person,"
"Just go ask him directly. I know what I'm telling you,"

He left without another word, disappearing from view when he turned a corner behind a bookshelf.
Mingyu swallowed down a fist full of concern now that he heard exactly what he needed to hear. Still, he was reluctant about whether this was or not the right choice. Either way, it led to him doing exactly what he was doing now: entering Wonwoo's office with a few knocks.

"Umm... Hi,"
"Ah... It's just you. What do you want?" Wonwoo's stance immediately tensed. "Hold on. Let me take a guess. You want me to pay for your hospital bill even though I did nothing wrong, don't you?"

Maybe he picked up the message. Maybe he didn't consider the older was practically barking at him to leave... but even so, Mingyu wasn't having it.
Or, at least, not without a clue.

He pulled in a deep breath before he stuttered out,
"A-actually, no... I-I just wanted to ask you about what happened last week, on Wednesday, if you don't mind."

Wonwoo froze for a moment's hesitation, letting the colorblind male know he knew what Mingyu was talking about.

"My mind gets fuzzy whenever I think about it, so that's kinda why I'm here... I need your help."
"Mine? Why exactly mine? There were plenty of others around at the time. Ask them. Not me,"

"I think it was you who triggered my headache, so-"
"Hold up. Do you seriously think I triggered your headache? Through words? Verbal words?" Wonwoo scoffed. He closed his eyes in thought before opening them and continuing in his regular monotone, "I don't believe your little theory or you, so why should I do you the favor? Oh, wait! I'm not,"

Wonwoo turned his back to the ginger.

"Leave. I don't like having you in here,"

Mingyu huffed as he hastily stomped over to the librarian's assistant, grabbing onto the other's shoulder to turn him around.

"Can you at least-Agh!"

He groaned as the same pain from before reappeared, only this time, it was slightly less painful. Just enough to not pass out.

"Again? Jesus, do you have asthma or something?"

He released his head from his hands, deep breathes escaping from his mouth.

"N-no... But... this happens every time we touch."
Wonwoo scoffed.

"Unbelievable. Completely and utterly unbelievable,"

He sighed a stressed breath. He's met so, so many people who hated him, but it was never to this extent. This guy despised him.

"Well, can you at least answer a question?"
"As long as it doesn't help you in any shape or form,"

The colorblind male grimaced. By the time he found out what was wrong with himself, he would not fail to have Wonwoo on his knees, begging him to be friends. One way or another.

"Why is indiana part of the rainbow and not pink?"
"First of all, it's indigo, and pink isn't a color you see in a naturally made rainbow, like brown and magenta. They're a mixture of colors we made. Indigo, on the other hand-" Wonwoo abruptly slammed the open file cabinet shut, making the younger shake in his boots. "-you do."

Mingyu then stared at the small bowl of artificial blueberries resting on the other's desk, unsure, yet knowing that no matter how many times he tried to lie to himself, they weren't blue. Otherwise, he wouldn't be seeing their true color right now.

Indigo it is.

* * *

Wonwoo has denied helping Mingyu, who is probably not going to take no as an answer. Wonder what kind of shenanigans Mingyu's going to get himself into this time.

I managed to sneak in an update here as well. Now, all that is left to update is the one-shot collection, but I'll leave that for another day.

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