"It's impossible" Odin says in confusion making me confused, didn't he want me gone just a second ago?

"The infection it's, defending her" one of the women says as she comes to stand next to Odin.

"No, it's defending itself" Thor says and I grit my teeth as the voice in my head comes back.

"Lies! We are protecting our host!! They want to take us from you host!" the voice yells in my head making me grit my teeth more as memories come back to me. Memories of painful tests and isolation, memories of Odin standing by doing nothing.

"I, I remember. . ." I trail off as I begin to sit up.

"What do you remember sister?" Thor asks with hope in his eyes.

"I remember pain, tests, isolation, and him. My so called father, standing by doing nothing!" I yell as I glare at Odin, whatever was inside me seemed to follow my emotions because it pushes Odin away from me.

"Run host, we shall protect you" the voice says and it doesn't have to tell me twice.

I quickly get off of the rectangle table that I am laying bolt out of the room, ignoring Thor's call of my name as I run down the hallways that seem so familiar. My boots click against the ground as I run down the halls taking every twist and turn as if I have done this many times before. I keep running until I come to a room that feels like a safe place and I run in, closing the door behind me. I lock the door and notice that the room I am in is green, black, and gold with thousands of books. I slide down the door until I am sitting and I put my head into my hands with a sigh.

"What are you?" I ask the red glow in my veins, wondering if it will answer me.

"We host, are the aether. An ancient power that has been waiting for centuries to be free" the voice, now known as aether, explains from inside of my head.

"Why me? Of all the people in London, why me?" I ask as I continue to look at the red glow that is running through my veins.

"Because you have pure intentions, all you want is your memories back. I can help with that, if you let me" the aether says to me and it sounds like a pretty good deal.

"What do I have to give you in return?" I ask as I stand up.

"Nothing but coexistence, that's all I ask for in return" the aether says to me.

"Alright, you've got a deal" I say as I begin walking around the room, wondering why this room felt like a safe haven to me.I continue walking around until I stumble across a gold helmet with horns on it. I pick it up and stare at myself in the reflective surface of the gold as I remember more. I remember memories of another man I was close to, another brother and this time I got a name to the face, Loki.

"I had two brothers?" I ask as I put the helmet down.

"Yes host, you were very close to them both" the aether says as I run my fingers across one of the horns on the helmet.

"Where is he now?" I ask the aether.

"In the dungeons, but I would not go there host" the aether says and I blink in confusion.

"How come you don't want me going down there?" I ask as I sit down on the bed that is covered by soft green sheets.

"There is someone down there who wishes to harm you host" the aether says to me, sounding concerned for my well being.

"Alright, hey how come you call me host?" I ask as I pick up a little cube thing on the table.

"Because you are my host, would you rather I call you something different?" the aether asks and I think about it for a second as I mess with the cube thing in my hand.

"How about Luna, everyone here seems to know me by that name so we might as well use it" I say as I put the cube down.

"Alright, Luna" the aether says and more memories come back to me. Memories of a demonic voice in my head that always wanted me to let it out. I blink as the memories go away before I look down at my arms, my veins now constantly glowing red.

"Were you the voice in my head from before? When I had all my memories" I say as I continue to look down at my arms.

"No, that was the dark side of your abilities" the aether says and I go to say something before I hear fighting. I look up from my arms at the sound and run to the door, unlocking it and opening it.

"What's going on aether?" I ask as I begin running down the hallway.

"The one who wishes to harm you and take me from you is attacking. One of them has found their way to your mother" the aether says as I run up the stairs, heading to a very familiar place.

"Mother!" I yell as I rush into the room she is in.

"Luna?" my mother asks as she looks at me along with the thing fighting her.

"Not exactly but I'm getting close to being her again" I say as I quickly walk over to her.

"Luna you must run. This thing is after what flows through your veins" my mother says as she comes to stand infront of me.

"This creature used to be a dark elf Luna, your mother will be no match for him" the aether says to me.

"I may not remember much of anything but mother this thing is more powerful than it is letting on, please do not put yourself in danger for my sake" I say as I grab her arm.

"I will gladly die if it means keeping you safe my daughter" my mother says before she begins fighting the thing. I begin debating on whether I should help my mother or not, that is until I see the thing go for the kill. I could do nothing as it stabs my mother, letting her fall to the ground as it turns to me.

"No!" I yell in anguish as tears come to my eyes, the aether sending the creature flying through a wall as I run to my mother, memories coming back to me. Memories of a mother's love and her devotion to me and my brothers.

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