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Betray (Sequel to the Pendent)

By: Rachel Lynch

.: Okay you guys I may or may not change the title. This is going to be the sequel to The Pendent though. For those who are just starting you might want to read the first one, The Pendent. I want to thank everyone who's read/reading my stories. I appreciate it! But I think I'm going to dedicate this one to my grandfather, who in my mind, got betrayed by life. He died in April of 1996, I was only 4 months old and he was only 55. I would also like to dedicate this to my sister who first got me started to read at a very early age. So please, read, comment, and vote. Please and thank you! :. Oh and there's a random quote next!

"Murder is unique in that it abolishes the party it injures, so that society has to take the place of the victim and on his behalf demand atonement or grant forgiveness; it is the one crime in which society has a direct interest." - -- W. H. Auden (This is true in a weird way!)


Baila has never been able to trust people. It's not her fault, her parent left her at a young age, her adoptive parents lied to her almost every day, and now she has figured out that she can't even trust her own eyes, because not everything is what it seems to be. But can she trust those who promise her no harm and actually care about her, the same people that her parents said she could trust? And when things get even more suspicious with one of the only three people she really trusts, who can she really trust?

Chapter One Feelings

I'm starting to figure out that living on the same campus with your almost boyfriend isn't bad. Sure, there is like 24 hour watch on the dorms to make sure that girls don't sneak over the guys' or the opposite but hey, we're witches; it isn't very hard at all. Oh, my bad, I meant Great Protectors. You see, there's actually a huge difference. The Great Protectors do believe in God and we do NOT worship the devil. Actually, we see ourselves as beings God made to protect the Earth, not the other way around. Ya, I know confusing, but that's my life right now.

On this particular night, I was sneaking out of the dorms to go on a moonlit picnic with my almost boyfriend, Caleb. "Are you sure it's safe to sneak out?" asked Marcella. Marcella was one of the only people I've learned to trust here and is my best friend/roommate.

"What do you mean? It's not like they'll execute me if they find me... right?" I asked with a nervous chuckle. I still didn't know all of the rules here and to tell you the truth, I didn't really pay attention to the boring classes.

"No of course not," said Marcella unconvincing, "but I have heard of them taking away someone's power for a while."

"What? No way?!"


"Well, I don't think they would do that to me. For one reason I'm pretty sure I could kick anyone's butt," Marcella laughed at that, "and secondly, they still owe me." Okay, I'll explain about the owing me part. About two months ago, students started to go missing and some never returned. Those who did probably wished that they would have died. When Caleb went missing I couldn't just stand by and let him die, or worse, come back the way others did, so I did want any girl would do; I went looking for him. I found him in this secret tunnel underneath a crumbling statue of what I think was supposed to be George Washington.

When I finally found which room he was in, I was confronted with another problem. It wasn't just any normal kidnapper, it was a witch. Well, long version short, I kicked his butt, rescued Caleb, but in the process I destroyed the whole underground lair. This is where it doesn't feel right to me. I didn't do anything to cause it to fall, it was the old guy and when I told this to Sadie she looked relieved but she quickly hid it. It just doesn't feel right, like there's a piece missing or something.

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