"Is she awake yet?" I jerked upward.

"—shit." I realized I was somewhere completely different. At least I finished my sentence, right? "Umm, hi?" Two girls stood over me. the one on the left was rather pale with orange hair and freckles. The other was more tan with brown hair and green eyes that stood out from her other features. "What's going on? Where am I?" The pale one giggled.

"I'm Alma." Her Irish accent was the first thing I noticed. She offered me her hand and helped me off the floor. "So, how'd you get here?"

"What?" She looked at me expectantly.

"You idiot she doesn't know what here is," the other girl scolded her. She turned to me. "I'm Ilia. What's your name?"

"I'm Lilith. Nice to meet you, I think." I tried to smile, but I was too freaked out to have a nice one. "Where am I?"

"Oh, right," Ilia said. "Well, this is Valhalla."

"Am I dead?" Oh fuck, I'm dead. "Wait, how did I die? And how did I get here?" They looked at each other and laughed.

"Yer not dead," Alma said. "You've been chosen."

"For what? I don't remember signing up for anything."

"Nobody signs up to be a Valkyrie. It just happens." A Valkyrie? "Welcome to the club."

"No. There must be a mistake. There's no way I was chosen to be a Valkyrie." Ilia looked surprised. "What?"

"Well, most people's first thoughts are 'There's no such thing as a Valkyrie.' Or even 'what drugs are you on?' Something like that."

"I hadn't even thought of that. Are you sure I'm not dreaming or something. I have to get some sleep. I have a test tomorrow."

"Don't worry, it's part time," Alma assured me.

"For now," Ilia added. Alma hit her arm.

"Shut up." Alma turned back to me. "For today, we'll just show you the basic stuff. Like touring the place, showing how things work, stuff like that. And choosing yer weapon! That's the best part."

"A weapon? I've never held a weapon in my life. How can I just choose one?"

"You'll know." That part was freaky because they said it simultaneously. This whole thing was freaky, but I was apparently taking it well.

"Okay. I'll know," I repeated. "So, if this is Valhalla, does that mean that all of the Norse gods and stuff are real?"

"Yep," Alma said. "Every single one. We don't really get to see them, though. The one we see most often is Odin. Occasionally Thor. Even then, he doesn't do much. He just kinda checks in now and then."

Right. Thor. He was involved with the whole Avengers thing from a while ago.

"So, what exactly am I supposed to do?" I asked.

"You've got a lot of questions," Ilia said. "Just wait. That's what we're about to show you." We walked down a pretty long hall, passing by many, many doors. The structure of the building was a work of art itself. And this was only a hallway. I couldn't help but look around in awe.

"Sorry. This place is beautiful." Alma looked around and smiled.

"It is, isn't it?" She looked forward again only to see a man with a sword right in front of her. "Watch where yer pointing that thing. Not all of us are immortal here." She pushed his blade down and motioned for me to keep walking. "That was Erik. He's a bit clumsy. He's an einherjar."

"A what?"

"One of Odin's dead warriors," Ilia blurted, almost as if she was annoyed. I was probably being annoying with all my stupid questions.

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