Chapter 152 Opening Doors.

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Chapter 152 OPENING DOORS.

The next day, Zero leaves for work. He keeps thinking about, what Yuki told him last night. He still isn't clear. What she is after, but the thought of seeing his brother. Makes up for everything else. He heads to the association. Going straight to Yagari's Office.

He goes up to his office and bangs on the door." Hey Zero, Come in. What can I do for you today?" Yagari asks. I have been here a while now. I haven't seen my brother. I know. He works here. I would like to talk to him. Could you send him to my office?" Zero asks. "Sure, that's not a problem. He has done his best to stay away from you. He didn't want to start any problems. Even though, he thinks your no longer with Yuki. He didn't want to rattle the boat. He is still a little nervous now that she is in charge of things." Yagari admits. "She doesn't seem to want to harm him at the moment. She is the one to actually tell me to talk to him. That she doesn't mind anymore." Zero states. "Yes, I talked to her in detail a few days ago. She came to visit me. Talk about what she is waiting for the board. That she wants peace. She took a lot of files with her. She seems to know everything that was going on here. She asked about your brother. " Yagari comments. " I work here. I'm president. she comes here and I don't even know it? No one told me? Why talk to you and not me?" Zero asks. "Well, she said. She would rather go through me. That I knew more since I been working here the whole time. That it was better. She wasn't seen with you. It would only spark more rumors."Yagari admits. "True. She has been thinking of everything lately. " Zero remarks. "She has. She talked about you and Aiko. She was very upset about that. She will do very well at her job Zero. She is fierce. I think even more so then Kaname." Yagari states. "She didn't come with Kaname?" Zero asks. "No. It was just her. She said. She wanted to speak to me alone. I don't even think Kaname knows. She came to visit me. I gave her everything.. She asked for and she left." Yagari states. "Thank you for letting me know. I guess. She just wants to make sure. She does this job well. The rumors don't help. " Zero comments. "Oh no, they sure don't. They have only gotten worse lately. I am sure they will die down. They did before." Yagari remarks. "I hope so. Just please let my brother know. I am looking for him." Zero responds as he walks out of the office.

He Goes back to his own office. Just sitting in his chair. Thinking about how Yuki came here, herself. When it came down to it. Yuki didn't really need anyone. She knew. How to take care of herself. And get what she wanted. He knew. She wasn't going to let anyone make a fool out of her this time. He thought. The way he hid that he went back to the association, she was hiding her own stuff. What ever happened to talking to each other about everything? I guess. Their relationship changed in a few ways lately. Was it the not living together? Was it they grew apart? If so. How long could the sex bond last? Would it hold up? Not to mention that wasn't really anything to base a relationship on. To stay together just for that wouldn't really work. Zero just rubbed his hands on his face. Hoping that all this mess would just settle down. It was one thing right after another. Nonstop. Would they ever just get a break?

While sitting there he hears a knock at the door. "Who Is it?" Zero asks. "It's me Ichiru. May I come in?" He asks. "Yes. Please do." Zero responds. "I was told you wanted to speak to me? I hope our past doesn't affect our working conditions. I really do need this job." Ichiru states. " No, not at all. I have no intentions of firing you." Zero states. "That's good to know. I knew. I lost the promotion. I just figured. I was going to get the boot now."Ichiru remarks. "No. There isn't any need for that. I am also sorry about the promotion. I didn't know anything about that. " Zero comments. "They went crazy. When you returned. Anyone else in line just got brushed over. Like we didn't exist. The great strong hunter was back. No need for anyone else." Ichiru hisses. "I am sorry. I didn't ask you, here to fire or fight with you. I wanted to talk to you. I have missed you. I wanted to start over." Zero confides. "Really? The wife let you off your leash?"Ichiru responds. "Or is it true you two are no longer together? She actually left you for Kaname after all these years? OH, wait that's right you cheated on her first? My pussy whipped brother cheating? I highly doubt that." Ichiru Adds. "It's something. That you are being rude and saying things like that. After all, you did to us." Zero remarks. "It's been twenty years. Now you want to talk to me? I have missed you too brother. It did hurt. That you took her side and just left me. You knew! It wasn't me. It was that bitch of Yoshiko. Yet your son married her. You accepted her into your life. But not me. I guess. Kaname's chains wrapped you tightly." Ichiru hisses. " She was my wife. You almost raped her. You killed our child. That is a lot of forgive and forget even being controlled! "Zero snaps. " Now feeling what Yuki feels about Kharis. "I am truly sorry about both. I would have never did that. I didn't even know. She was pregnant." Ichiru admits. " Can we just try to get along? Try at a relationship?" Zero asks. "I guess. We can try. It would be a good thing. Now that we work with each other. Now that you managed to be my boss. I guess. I can't piss you off."Ichiru remarks. "My daughter is getting married. I am sure you know that. She works with you, I know. She hangs out with you also. I heard you, her and Ren are very close. They just never speak of it around there mother. I thought. It would be nice if you came to the wedding. Make it a fresh start." Zero confesses. "That sounds good. I really do like them both. Your wife? Or ex wife? Whatever the hell, she is to you lately. Will be there. I don't need her to try to kill me in front of everyone. It doesn't really make me look good as the vampire hunter. I am not as weak like I use to be. I just know. I couldn't fight back. Not because I couldn't take her out. Because of everyone there. Kaname would turn me to dust in an instant to save his precious Yuki. Not to mention you. Whatever took place, I am sure. You will still run to save her." Ichiru comments. "It was her idea. She wants the feud to end. She wants peace. And yes. If I didn't get to you, Kaname would. There would be no winning." Zero remarks. "I figured. I guess. It's good to know. She wants peace. I can do that.

 You still haven't told me. What you two are now?"Ichiru asks. "Friends." Zero replies. "With benefits? I can't see you two not all over each other. It was enough to make anyone puke. I bet Kaname loves that. This wedding may be quite the entertainment."Ichiru chuckles. "Please if you're going to start shit stay away. I am trying to be nice. I am losing my patience!" Zero barks. " You never had any dear brother. But don't worry. I have no intentions of starting anything. I have worked my way up all these years. To be honest I have no ill will towards Kaname. If it wasn't for him. I don't know. Where I would be. He took me in. When everyone else left me to rot."Ichiru admits. "I asked him to." Zero states. "Then thank you. I will be at the wedding. Thank you for the Invite." Ichiru Comments.

Zero saw a lot of anger in Ichiru. Then again, he saw himself. The snippy, answers. He gave Zero. It was like looking in the mirror. He also finally realized. How it truly did hurt Yuki about Kharis. That even though Ichiru was controlled. There was still a part of him that Zero hated. He just saw the rape, the pain, the loss of their child. It was like it was yesterday. He hoped that would fade. That him and his brother could have the close relationship. They once did. When they were kids. That they could leave behind all the pain. This was a start. The door was open.

Vampire Knight The Start of love.  Yuki X Zero. Part 1Where stories live. Discover now