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I woke up the next morning and looked around my room and realized that everything I had dreamed about didn't happen.  There was no Tristan, I didn't win Homecoming Queen, but best of all I realized one thing I was no longer in love with Joel.  I guess my mind had decided that it needed to make me realize that imagining Joel and I together was not a good thing that it wasn't healthy.  I jump out of bed and dressed for school.  While sitting in the car with Joel next to me, I was going crazy because I wanted to ask everyone in the car if what I thought was going on was.  Unfortunately, we were running late for our early bird class yes I am a complete nerd and take an early bird class even though I don't have to.

I walk in and as usual Mrs. Garza looks at me and asks "Why are you late today Trina?"  "My mom forgot to set her alarm, and she woke up late.?"  "Please, she is never late."  "Look out your door."  "OH, hey Pat what happened?"  "Forgot to set my alarm the kids didn't realize until it was too late."  "Ah ok."  She walked back in "OK, Trina excuse excepted."  The rest of the day went pretty much the same the only difference was while sitting in my Chemistry class a new student was sitting in my normal chair I glance down at him "Uhm excuse me I usually sit here."  "Oh, sorry the girl up front said there was no assigned seating."  "Well technically there isn't, but I sit here because during testing when I finish since I am ahead of this class I go into the lab and grade the tests for the two previous classes."  The girl in front who's name is Cindy looked at me "Hey, he can sit there if he wants."  I hear my second cousin Noey yell "Shamu shut up if I wanted to hear an ass I would have farted."  I glare at him "Hey, Trina do not start, remember while you were running around saying stop making fun of Cindy, you all should be nice and not call her that she was going around behind your back asking all your friends "Don't you find Trina annoying?"  She yelled at him "You said you do find her annoying."  "Yeah, but she is my cousin I can call her annoying, but you are not allowed right Ed."  "Yep and even you are limited remember you are our second cousin she is my first." I smack Eddie upside the head "Behave Heriberto."  Cindy just has to step in where she doesn't belong "He doesn't like being called that it is Eddie moron."  I stand up and glare at her "What did you call me?"  "I called you a moron."  "Listen here first off get this straight no one likes you in this class.  Yeah, some of the students in here don't like me, but I don't care they have that right as for Heriberto Gonzalez here I can call him whatever I want he is blood my family and I am older so if he doesn't behave I tell his dad and guess who gets in trouble."  Noey laughs "good old Ed."  "Yep, especially since all the elders in our family what is it Ed."  "They all love you."  "Exactly."  I sit down, and the new guy looks at me "Hey, I am Lewis Lawson."  "Trina Garza nice to meet you.  So, what lunch do you have?"  "Uhm B lunch what exactly does that mean."  "It means to go to fourth period first then you have lunch.  Walk out of the building and go north you will see a big aluminum building with portable buildings next to it, and that is our cafeteria also known as the barn."  "Why is it called the barn?"  "OH, because when they finish building the office area/cafetorium, it will become the barn for FFA."  "Where is the teacher?"  "I don't know let me check the lab."  I walk into the chem lab and see Mr. Canales on the floor I yell out "Ed go get the nurse someone call the office."  

It turns out Mr. Canales passed out but was ok we found out during fourth period.  While I was in line getting lunch Lewis walked up "hey, uhm can I eat lunch with you?"  "Sure, but I am not eating it in here I am eating it in the physics lab."  "You take physics."  I chuckled "Hell, no I am a member of the Math and Science Club and the teacher is our sponsor plus it doubles as our lab as well."  "Hey, I was thinking of joining that club my math teacher told me about it."  "Who is your teacher?"  "OH, Mr. Dan Plas."  "Hey, that is our sponsor good old Placido Domingo."  "You all call him after one of the three tenors."  "Yep, we all love him it is an endearment.  He was my Algebra I teacher my freshman year and convinced me to join the following year since that was when he was starting the club.  I have been a member now for three years.  Oh, here we are."  "Wait, this isn't Mr. Plass's class."  "This is the back entrance to his class since he has A lunch."  I knock on the door, and stupid Joel opens "Who are you and what do you want?"  "Hey, Jojo this is Lewis, and he is thinking of joining the club so stop being an ass and let us in.  OH, we need to talk."  "About?"  "Why I have never had a date?" "Oh, that well I have no idea gotta go."  With that, he walked out the door.  I glare at the room after Lewis, and I enter "So, it's true he has been telling everyone we are seeing each other."  Another one of my second cousins steps forward Nathan "Yeah, and the reason you don't hold hands and kiss is that you don't believe in PDA well that is what he says."  "Well, when I see him again is is dead meat."  

After lunch, Lewis and I end up walking to class together since we are heading the same way "So, you don't have a boyfriend?"  "Nope, I am single."  "Good because I heard there is a dance on Friday and was wondering after the game would you like to go?"  "Yep and it will have to be after the game I am in the Flag Corpse and have to perform at halftime."  "Nice, I am on the football team."  As I stop at my classroom, he asks "Can I meet you hear and walk you to your next class I have a Mrs. Pat Garza."  "Yeah, definitely I have Mrs. Peral Perez, and she is across the hall."  I hear "Actually I will be walking her."  I turn to Joel "No, you won't since after I tell you this I am not talking to you.  YOU HAD NO RIGHT TELLING PEOPLE YOUR MY BOYFRIEND.  I will date, and if it goes terribly fine I have to deal with it, but because of you, Joel,  I have been STUCK IN A ROMANCE NOVEL.

STUCK IN A ROMANCE NOVELOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant