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The city of Paris was ablaze in a bright, fiery orange in front of the three heroes. A thick, heavy smell of charcoal filling their lungs with every deep breath they took. Ash and glowing embers floating to the sky like fireflies at night. The screams and cries of innocents echoing throughout every corner in Paris. A slight breeze feeding the fires all around, causing them to grow ever so slightly. Ladybug stood on a rooftops edge, scowling at the mansion ahead of her. Squeezing her fists at her sides and clenching her jaw tightly, she took in every sense she could. If looks could kill, Agreste would be dead. All three of them.

"I'm ready Ladybug." Carapace said, stepping forward and standing tall.

"We're ready." Rena Rouge said, joining her shelled partner's side. Both sticky in sweat from the hot flames encircling the city they loved. The duo standing strong together, gathering the courage, anger and vengeance they had for the Agreste family. 

Ladybug tore her eyes from the mansion, turning her back to it to look her partners in their eyes. Her breath getting harder with every angry thought coming to her mind. Carapace and Rena Rouge grabbed each others hands, raising them high into the sky to show their readiness. 

Ladybug closed her burning eyes, taking in a deep, smoky breath before opening them again. Putting a hard, determined scowl on her face she nodded at the two heroes before her.

With venom laced in her voice, Ladybug replied:

"I'm Ready as I'll ever be."

Ready As I'll Ever BeWhere stories live. Discover now