"Oh look, the slutty emo is back."

I turn around in the chair and to my not surprise, it was Jessica. She had her posse with her so I immediately knew something was about to go down.

But if course, I wasn't gonna let Jessica walk all over me that easily. I may be an unpopular shit but I'm not a puny emo bitch from those shitty fanfics. "Slutty? Bitch, have you ever looked in the mirror?"

Her face started showing signs she was angry. Since we never get along, I know those signs by heart. First it's the eyeroll, the nail check, the hand-hip stance, the scoff, the bucket of insults, the shoulder check then the sashay away.

She did the eyeroll.

"I saw a Otto drop you off today. Since when did you two become some buddy-buddy?" She spat.

I mentally facepalmed. I completely forgot Otto was dating Jessica. Now I know this wasn't going to go well.

"We met at a show and this morning he was just bringing me to work because it's raining. My friend knows them and we are not friends." I tried to clear up. Yeah, it was mostly lies but who gives a shit, this is Jessica.

Then the nail check hapened.

She looked at her long, gross ass, pink nails. "Oh yeah, that's not why the tape shows."

I immediately panicked. I thought those were out if commission and hadn't worked in years.

Her friend handed me a CD case that read, 'SECURITY CAMERA RECORDING' and also had the date of the day that all the boys came in drunk. That means-

"Want to tell us about that kiss you gave Otto?" Jessica hissed.

I rolled my eyes. "I didn't kiss him. He kissed me. You can obviously tell they're all drunk. That's why I had to call the boy in the sweater to come get them then Otto kissed me. I would never kiss a guy who I don't know and especially if he's dating my co-worker."

Jessica put her hands on her hips and squinted her eyes at me.

"You expect me to believe that? You obviously kissed him since you don't like me at all! You're trying to get revenge!" She exclaimed, looking me up and down.

I sighed and almost prayed that this would be over. "Did you not just fucking hear me you blonde bimbo?! I just told you that I would never, under any circumstances, kiss someone I didn't know or someone who is dating my co-worker. My mom didn't raise no bitch. Unlike yours."

She scoffed. Her friends look like they were thinking something like "How dare this hoe?" And I was probably correct.

"You lying whore! I know you kissed him because he broke up with me a few days ago! He probably left me for your slutty, emo, bitch ass! You're mom maybe didn't raise a bitch but she clearly raised a mistake. Good luck with Otto because it's the only chance at love you will ever have and it a pretty small percentage. Honestly, I bet your mother wishes she had swallowed you. You're just a worthless, dirty, gross, good for nothing, lonely, emo whore. Just kill yourself. Girls?"

That was the insults. As she called her posse girls, they brought out my songbook and skateboard. One of them took a lighter and held it up to it.

"NO!" I quickly yelled and ran to her but she had already lit it and it was too late. She then let it burn up to her fingertips and let it fall on the floor, proceeding to pour water on the hot ash.

Feeling heartbroken, I watched the other girl lean my board against the wall and snap it in half. The loud crack of the board made me want to think that was the sound of my heart cracking. I felt awful. My big notebook had ALL of my songs in them and a bunch of other important things. My board was my ride everywhere, she was my baby. I had her since I was 14. But their bitches just took two of my only three important things in my life. The other was Ivanna and Jacoby, but if they dared mess with them then the police would get involved.

My body filled with rage as I watched Jessica and her two bitches cackle at my pain. They just watched me as tears began to fall from my eyes. Earlier I did say that mom ain't raise no bitch and so I had to show Jessica that.

I went up to her and punched her right across the face, feeling good about it. Then I pushed her to the ground, got on top of her then proceeded to beat the everloving shit out if her. I left good while doing it too.

But of course, I have shit luck and everything never goes, in anyway, in the direction of my favor.

"Woah, woah, girls! What is the meaning of this?!" A familiar voice yelled out.

I quickly got off Jessica and turned around to see my boss.

"Mr. R, thank god you're here! This bitch just tried murdering me!" Jessica accused and pointed at me.

"Really bitch," I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "Mr. R, I am so sorry but this girl was accusing me of thing and insulted me and she has been since I have worked here and I just couldn't take it anymore. I told you Jessica and I don't get along, yet we still get paired up. I hope you understand." I tried to explain the beat I could to save my ass because god knows I wouldn't make it through another firing.

"I do understand and I'm sorry for you two having to work together. It will no longer happen in the future." He cleared up quickly, which was surprising.

Jessica was furious. Her face red, not only from me punching her but also from anger. "Mr. R, you can just let this bitch get away with this? She almost killed me!" She started wiping away fake tears and I wanted to murder her.

Mr. R sighed. "Jessica, you have a tendency to not get along with co-workers, you're lucky I don't fire you! Honestly, you deserve it. Alice didn't even hit you that bad, I think you'll live."

We went to go walk away but Jessica stopped him again. "Mr. R, if you do not fire Alice then I will immediately press charges to not only Alice but you and your company. You know my dad could have it done quick."

Mr. R seemed at a loss for words. It seemed like an eternity before he responded and I just hoped he wouldn't fire me. "Alice.." He started. "I'm sorry. The company couldn't handle a lawsuit and it's better for you too. I'm sorry. You'll receive your last ch-"

Before I let him finish I was already out the door running. I don't know where but I was just running.

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