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"Hello and welcome to Mashy Mart, thank you for bringing your fucking kid."

"Ivanna, I swear to god, you will get fired if Mr. Marshal finds out you said that to a woman and her child."

Ivanna stuck her tongue out at Jacoby and he did the same to her. The two stood behind the cashier desk, waiting for people to either some and buy something or pay for gas. The two didn't really mind their job, they didn't love it but they didn't hate it. It was just a job they had to do to get money. However, it did make it better how the two always worked together. Mr. Marshal, their boss, was pretty cool and let them work together. Jacoby is very sweet with customers and helps them understand their problems whole Ivanna is very persuasive and helps get the station more money by convincing people to buy more shit.

Everyday was pretty regular, usually the same. Sometimes someone stupid will come in and cause problems but other times it was pretty regular. But today, wasn't like any other day.

"Hello and welcome to Mashy Mart, thank you fo-" Ivannas jowk response that she stole from a YouTuber was cut off my surprise.

Jacoby, turned around, organizing the cigarettes, asked, "What's wrong?"


Jacoby immediately turned around, dropping all the cigarettes in his hands due to Ivanna's screech. She was right, Lawrence, the band's old bassist, was standing there.

"Why are you here?" Jacoby hissed.

Lawrence with his devilish grin that made girls fall at his feet, replied, "I heard you needed a bassist."

Ivanna was beyond pissed. If she got anymore pissed then steam would come out her ears. "Where did you hear that?"

"My girlfriend, Jessica."

Jacoby tried so hard to keep it together and not jump over the cash register to beat his ass up. Him and Ivanna looked at each other to confirm that they knew who the Jessica was.

"For your information, although we may need a bassist, I already have have someone in mind." Ivanna smirked, leaning in the counter.

Lawrence crossed his arms in disbelief. "Oh yeah? Who?"

"She's an old friend from highschool, Cedar Mayne." She said with sass, knowing Lawrence would believe it.

Jacoby whispered "What?" To Ivanna and got a foot stomp in return.

"Isn't she the bassist of the school band?" Lawrence asked and Ivanna nodded. "Wow, okay then."

"Yeah, I don't know why Jessica even mentioned we needed a bassist or why you even came. We needed a bass player not a back stabbing, no good, cheating, lying, failed abortion, dickshit of a man. So, you can just move along and never enter this store again or else I'll have to call the cops." Ivanna threatened with a smile and a small wave.

"I didn't do anythi-"

"I am great at persuading people. Don't think I won't get your ass arrested."

Lawrence took a step back with his hands up in defence. "Tell Ali-"

"You don't have to the right to speak her name anymore, Lawrence. Get out." Jacoby said. His tone of voice was almost scary. Jacoby was never scary, he's gay and emo.

Lawrence just left without another word.

Jacoby sighed and leant against the counter. "Damn, why do all the hot guys have to be such douches?"

"Jacoby!" Ivanna scolded and smacked his stomach with the back of her hand, making him fall to the ground in pain.

"Where in the world am I going to get a bassist?"

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