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"ALICE, ALICE, ALICE!" A voice yelled, waking me up.

My eyes shot open and I immediately sat up in my bed. I saw Jacoby standing at the foot of my bed, smiling like a maniac. "What the hell do you want, dipshit?!"

"Okay, rude. One, you're gonna be late for work! Two, WE GOT ANOTHER GIG!" Jacoby smiled and jumped in a circle.

I sighed at my gay friend. "Jacoby.. I'm off today! I'm always off the day after I work overtime! I'm going back to bed." I laid back down and covered myself with my black blanket.

Just when I relaxed, my blanket was ripped off of me.


I jumped up again. "Jacoby! How and why did you get us a gig so early?!" I got out of bed and started rummaging through my closet to find my stage clothes. My stage clothes are basically the same thing my normal clothes.

"There's a cool photographer guy I'm friends with who knows some cool people who can get us gigs. Not to mention my cool photographer guy can take some cool pictures of us!" He explained happily.

I found some clothes and quickly got dressed. "Bro, Ivanna and I need at least two days of preparation before you start pulling gigs left and right!"

After I got dressed, I walked to the bathroom and did my hair and makeup. Jacoby followed. "We need to play at small place if we want to get to bigger places though!"

I started brushed my hair and messed it up a bit. "We get to bigger places by being good at the small places. I don't know if you remember but we still don't have a fucking bassist!" I started doing my makeup so I didn't look like a wet chicken nugget. "Remember how you said we should go heavier? Well we can't without a goddamn bassist!"

Suddenly, Ivanna burst through the door out of breath and stands next to Jacoby. "I don't think I will ever get ready that fast again."

I quickly finished my basic emo makeup and grabbed my phone then went downstairs with Jacoby and Ivanna following behind. "Not only do we not have a bassist but we don't have a van to get our instruments to wherever we're playing!"

"Venue is two towns over." Jacoby informed.

"Great, we're gonna be late for our first show in months!" I started freaking out and pacing.

Ivanna put her hands on my shoulders. "One, chill the fuck out, homegirl. Two, isn't that blue boy in a band? I'm sure they have a van and won't mind taking us to the venue."

"Yeah, his band owes you a favour too." Jacoby added, annoyed a bit. I'm pretty sure he doesn't like Waterparks.

I shrugged and took our my phone and called Awsten. After two rings he picked up. "Hello?"

"Hey Awsten, it's Alice!" I greeted and tried to sound not worried but that attempt failed.

"Hey, what's up? You sound nervous."

I took a quick, deep breath. "Yeah, I kinda am. Can you do me a huge favour? I'll repay you."

"Sure, what is it?" Awsten asked.

"Do you, by any chance, have a van and can maybe take my band and our instruments to our venue two towns over?" I asked quickly, my voice getting a higher.

There was a long pause before he replied that made me worried. "Sure! Text me you're address and I'll be over in five minutes with Otto and Geoff."

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