Part 2

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(May 2017)

XXVIII. As I said, today I'm going with my whole family to a rural house and so we are finishing our luggage. I love being with my cousins because I have so much fun. I have many cousins but I'm especially similar to one of them because he's my age, literally, he's three days younger than me. Our family name us as the twins.


We finally arrived and it wasn't easy, we got lost in the way and finally there was a very tough, narrow and wet slope. Now we are lost in the middle of a mountain with a lot of trees around us and more or less surrounded by nature. I like that. Did I say a rural house? Ok, there's two of them, we are a big family. Now we are choosing the rooms and house for everyone and of course I share room with my twin.

This weekend looks very good right? However, I'm not going to have fun at all because I have a retest of physics the day we are back. I have been left in a tiny room with a rounded table, rustic wooden chair, a lamp, a pencil case, a book and many white sheets of paper. Plus, I'm really sick, my throat ache and I can't stop blowing my nose every minute. Does it look fun now?

XXIX. We are all gathered ready to have dinner when I hear my phone whistling. Look:

WhatsApp: (2) Emily

I'll go to a private zone to see it.

- Emily: I want to tell you that your letter, your smile and each day we talked made me so happy.

- Emily: And I wish we could have spent many more days together. When I first met you I asked the girls about you and they all told me you were great. And they're right of course. You're sweet and smart and funny and interesting and I honestly adore your smile. I wish we had had a better chance to say goodbye properly today. Te voy echar de menos pero sabes que todos mis amigos son tus amigos entonces seguramente nos vemos otra vez (emoji).

I don't know if it's better to smile or cry. I wish I could see her again as she says but I'm not sure when it would be, for how long it would be or if she'll come again. I have to go back with my family soon so I don't think crying will be a good idea. But first I have to answer:

- Me: (sad emojis) Muchas gracias Emily, que texto más bonito. A mí me habría encantado pasar más tiempo contigo. No me imaginé que fueras tan buena persona. Me alegra que te haya gustado la carta. As you already know, I really like the way you are. I didn't need anybody to tell me that you are a good person, I realized it by myself. I'm not saying goodbye, I'm saying see you soon! And I hope we'll meet again. Your smile made so happy too! I'm going to miss you a lot throughout this time. Have a nice journey! We will keep in contact. Thank you Emily. (kissing emojis)

I basically putted her words on a box, I shook it, and I spilled them because I didn't know what to say.

After having dinner, bed is waiting for us because it's already late and tomorrow a hard day is waiting for me.

XXX. Besides studying alone around seven or eight hours a day in a eight meters square room, feeling really ill, and having my problem with Emily; everything's fine. I can see my family through the window, lost into the woods having fun and laughing. They should be the jealous, I'm having so much fun here. I think that from now onwards, my situation can just get better.

There's a period of like an hour which I used to have dinner and play board games with the family. Today I learnt to play poker with my cousins, is not bad, I won a couple times. There's also a very interesting cards game we play named 'burro'. In Spain, everybody knows that game, however the interesting point is that we play it on a special way. Our mode is only available for adults because it's... Let's say aggressive. Around fifteen of us sit around a really big rounded table with around fourteen spoons (less spoons than people) in the middle arranged in shape of circle. When someone has the winning combination, shouts the word '¡burro!' and get a spoon as fast as possible. The loser had to do something ridiculous. You may think that's not a really heavy thing, so in order to make you feel aware, my uncle hurted in his belly, the strategy of my aunt was to get under the table because due to the vibrations, the spoons fell and my strategy was to always look at the spoons, not the cards (the game doesn't consist on winning, consists on not losing). I'm not kidding, we have already prepared safer protections for the table in order to play to this game in future days. Three words can define very well this game: Cheating, war and adrenaline.

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