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You may think I'm writing from a random seat of a random park lost in a city, but I'm not. I'm placed on a bench that brings me plenty of memories, beautiful moments and one experience. Forrest Gump taught me that life is like a box of chocolates where we never know what are we going to get, and this experience is a clear example which confirms it. Some people say best things usually happen when we are not looking for them and they just happen, I agree. But nobody said that these things can turn around in just a moment when we are not waiting for them. Everything happens for a reason, everybody we come across in life and every story we live has a moral to teach us. To live is to learn. Having said that, I'm still looking for the point this story has taught me.

My name's Stan, which means to be a big fan of somebody else, and casually fits very well in this story. Sorry for my writing skills, I'm not a writer, I'm not even english. I'm actually spanish but I don't write in my language because through this experience I learnt to think and express myself this way. You'll understand. I recently crossed the border of elder age and I know I am currently in a tough age where confidence and relationships are difficult to win and easy to lose, but hopefully I'm not one of these dumb guys who make losing time to other people by playing with their friendship. This experience is like an emotional roller coaster which goes up and down all the way. You'll realize it throughout this tale I'm about to tell.

This is a sort of diary of a story which started a year ago and it's hard for me to remember every moment, so I tried to write everything in the best chronological order I can remember and as precise as possible. I show every scene, every moment and every fact as objective as I can but of course adding my opinion and my feelings at that time. What I mean is that I didn't invent this, I lived it. I even pasted most of the messages...

Why do I write this? Once this story happened, I stopped and reflected that it wasn't realistic, as if it were the plot of a film or a book, and so I felt the need of depicting it in words. Plus, it's very hard to swallow all this and keep it in my head so I guess it's in order to feel better with myself as well. All this may sound dull and weird but I'm sure you'll understand it all at the end, and I'm not going to change a word for the fact of being too sentimental or corny because this is just the way I felt every moment. If someone's ever reading this I hope that empathizes with myself.

Sitting On A White BenchOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora