12. the beach

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The beach where life is different.

Time doesn't move hour to hour but mood to moment.

We live by the currents, plan by the tides and follow the sun.


THE morning light streamed through the kitchen window as Grace, still rubbing her eyes, stumbled into the room. Her sisters, Sadie and Millie, greeted her with a mischievous air, their eyes darting towards the door where Gaten, their unexpected guest, had just entered and swiftly exited with a box of pizza.

"Woah! Why are you guys all dressed up? Is there something I missed?" Grace's voice was laced with curiosity, punctuated by a yawn.

"You mean 'we'?" Sadie corrected, a knowing smile tugging at her lips.

"What? What do you mean?" Grace turned to her sisters, puzzled by their cryptic exchange.

In the ensuing silence, Lilia and Maddie excused themselves, disappearing into their bedroom to finish packing for their upcoming beach trip.

It was Sadie who broke the quietude, her voice casual as she chewed on a strip of bacon. "We know that Gaten slept in your bedroom last night."

Grace's eyes widened in surprise. "What? How? I locked my—"

Millie's gaze lingered on Grace, her expression betraying a mix of amusement and disbelief as she addressed her sister. "Door? Yeah, you did, but you forgot that I have the spare keys to each room. But don't worry, we weren't really questioning if you guys did 'it' or not. I mean, it didn't really come into our minds...."

Grace met her sister's gaze, a flicker of apprehension crossing her features before she attempted to defend herself. "Really?"

Sadie's laughter filled the room, punctuating the air with amusement. "She's just kidding. That's actually the first thing that came into my mind."

Millie nodded in agreement, her tone teasing yet playful. "Yeah, because just to think that you were and still are wearing his shirt, and him being shirtless doesn't bother us at all."

Grace's explanation was met with distracted nods and giggles from her sisters, who seemed more preoccupied with their own thoughts. Undeterred, Grace continued recounting the events of the previous night as she moved around the kitchen bar.

As Gaten entered the room, his cheerful greeting broke the conversation, drawing the attention of the sisters. "Good Morning!" he greeted warmly.

"Morning to you too," Millie responded, her tone friendly as she acknowledged his presence.

With a mischievous grin, Sadie broke the tension in the room, her voice light and teasing as she quipped, "Oh shush! We're just gonna forget we saw something..." Laughter bubbled up around the kitchen, a chorus of amusement as they shared in the moment.

"We didn't see anything!" Millie's voice rang out, followed by Sadie's infectious laughter, as they made their exit.

Grace shook her head, a smile dancing on her lips as she joined in the laughter. Meanwhile, Gaten approached her, his hands gently encircling her waist, curiosity evident in his expression.

"What did they see?" Gaten inquired, a playful glint in his eyes.

"Nothing," Grace replied sheepishly, her cheeks tinted with a hint of embarrassment.

"Really? You won't tell me? Okay then... I have no choice but to tickle you to get some answers," Gaten teased, his voice filled with mock threat.

Grace's eyes widened in alarm as she faced him, her protest evident. "You wouldn't dare!"

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