07. bonding ( day )

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It was eight a.m. on Sunday morning when the Browns and Wolfhards decided to wake up the entire neighborhood with their loud screams. Well, needless to say, it didn't go over too well.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh!" Sadie's scream pierced through the household, jolting everyone awake, including the whole neighborhood.

"Sadie, what the hell?!" Lilia stormed angrily into her sister's bedroom.

"God, Sadie!" Millie exclaimed, exasperated.

"Shut the hell up!" Grace added.

"What's with the shouting?" Maddie questioned, clearly annoyed.

The boys barged in, looking alarmed and concerned, armed with various household items-Gaten with a bat, Finn with a candlestick, Noah with a broom, Caleb with a sling shooter, and Jaeden with a pan.

"What's wrong?" "What the hell happened?" "Are you guys okay?" "What's going on?" "Is there something wrong?" The boys bombarded them with questions.

Where did the boys get their weapons from? I have no idea.

While the girls struggled to contain their laughter, finding the boys' reactions cute and amusing, the boys looked at them with confusion, searching for answers.

Unable to contain their laughter any longer, the girls burst out laughing, some even dropping to the floor while others clutched their stomachs. When they looked up and saw the priceless expressions on the boys' faces, they laughed even harder.

"We're fine, okay?" Millie reassured them.

"Yeah, okay. Sadie, why were you screaming?" Lilia demanded, shooting her sister a glare.

"It's eight on Sunday morning, and we haven't showered or even dressed yet. Mom's gonna kill us," Sadie explained, grabbing outfits for their mall day.

The realization hit the girls, and they gasped in horror before scattering to get ready, leaving the boys bewildered.

Before the boys could ask any questions, the girls were gone, leaving them to wander aimlessly through the halls back to their bedrooms.

"What the hell is going on?" Gaten asked.

"What's happening?" Noah wondered.

"Where are you guys going?" Caleb questioned.

"Uh, guys?" the boys asked in unison.

But there was no answer, so they returned to their bedrooms, only to be disturbed later by the girls, who came ranting about needing a ride to the mall since they were too lazy to drive.

Mall Day was a Sunday tradition for the girls-a day of bonding, shopping for clothes, eating together, and having a fashion show. And they never missed it, not even once. But considering they woke up late and the mall was a 30-minute drive away, their moms were probably pissed, waiting at Starbucks.

The girls persuaded the boys to drive them to the mall and help with their bags. At first, the boys insisted, but they gave in immediately after hearing the girls' piercing screams. They sure knew how to persuade a person. Note the sarcasm.

Now it was three p.m., and Sadie and Caleb had been gone for almost five hours. Caleb wanted to go back to the rest of the group, but Sadie was still picking out clothes, and it felt like eternity to him.

Caleb was already holding six bags for her, and yet it wasn't enough. The frustration grew as Sadie took her time choosing clothes. Caleb couldn't understand why girls took so long to make decisions about their clothes and other stuff. That's why he never went shopping with Amy, because it sucked, and he didn't even know why he was here with Sadie, considering she wasn't his girlfriend. Well then, why did you volunteer, huh?

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