Things Get A Little Furry..

Start from the beginning

“Its all yours,” I said with a smile then left the room quickly. I heard the shower turn on then ran downstairs and grabbed my phone. 

No Messages

She didn’t call or text yet. I sighed then sat down at the table and thought about what just happened. Was she really going to kiss me? No she is my best friend, there is no way that she would try to kiss me.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door and I got up to answer it. There stood Alice with a blinding smile and a box of popcorn, candy and other snacks and in her other hand a stack of movies.

“This is for running out on you earlier. I was thinking that as a peace offering we could have a movie sleep over,” she said excitedly. The shower turned off upstairs and her smile dropped slightly.

I smiled nervously, “well umm I actually have a friend over right now. Her and I were planning on having a movie night too, you could join us.”

Her eyes lit up again and the smile returned, “ooh do I know her? And of course I will join you guys.”

We walked into the living room just as Leah came down the stairs in a towel. “Hey Bella i’m not sure what I should wear.”

She stopped as we came into view and glared at Alice. Alice’s whole body stiffened as she stared at her, her whole body becoming stiff as stone. I looked between the two in confusion, what the hell is going on.

“Bella,” Alice said through her teeth. “Would you like to explain to me why there is a werewolf in your house in only a towel?!”

I backed up at the tone of her voice and looked at Leah, “Leah isn’t a werewolf. Ha what are you talking about? There is no such thing as werewolves.”

Alice glared at me, her eyes darkened slightly and I gasped. A ripping sound came from my left and I looked in shock to see a huge grey wolf standing by the stairs, a shredded towel on the floor below it. Alice blurred and wrapped her arms around me pulling me out of the way just as the wolf jumped in our direction. Suddenly something smashed through the kitchen window and crouched down in front of us, looking up I saw Edward standing protectively in front of us. He was the thing that crashed through our window. Great how am I going to explain this to Charlie?

Hissing and growls rippled through the air as they stared at each other. The wolves eyes shifted to my face quickly and I saw sadness in them then the wolf jumped out of the shattered window out into the now darkened street. I closed my eyes in pain,  I don’t know what just happened but I could feel that wolf’s pain and it felt terrible. 

“Bella are you okay?” Alice asked in a worried voice. “Im so sorry if I hurt you I just moved so fast and I don’t know if I grabbed you too hard.”

I looked at her, “Im fine. That was Leah wasn’t it..?”

“Yeah it was,” Edward answered me as he came up to me and inspected my body for injuries. I stood up and felt pain in my stomach where Alice had wrapped her arms around me, pulling up my shirt I saw bruises. They didn’t look bad but they sure hurt.

“Bella I'm-,” Alice’s voice broke as she stared at my stomach. 

Looking at her broke my heart. She had the most saddest expression on and she looked so disappointed in herself. Lifting up her chin I said slowly, “its okay Alice. It doesn’t hurt, just a couple of bruises. Nothing that I can’t handle.”

She searched my face slowly, looking for any signs of doubt or pain. I smiled to reassure her that I was fine then turned to Edward.

“So how exactly am I supposed to explain the broken window to Charlie?” I asked slightly angry. 

He looked at me with a sheepish grin, “yeah I'm sorry about that. I just read Alice’s thoughts and reacted. I’ll fix it before he gets here.”

I sighed then walked upstairs only to turn back around with a groan. “Can you fix the stairs to? Leah broke them when she went all wolf on me.”

He nodded then ran out of the house quickly. Alice turned to me and asked, “so are you still up for movies?”

“Yeah I could really use some relaxing time with a friend,” I confessed. “I just need to shower quickly, I smell like salt water.”

“I wasn’t going to say anything but yeah you do,” she said with a smile.

I laughed and bumped into her shoulder lightly as I walked up stairs into my bathroom and got into the shower. There I stood under the hot water thinking about my best friend with so many emotions running through me. I was hurt that she didn’t tell me, confused because I still didn’t understand it all and angry that I had to find out like this. Screaming in frustration I turned off the water and got out angrily. 

“Bella whats wrong?” Alice asked as she stormed into the bathroom. I shrieked and grabbed the towel near me and tried to cover myself up but I was too slow and there wasn’t a towel there. Leah took the only one in the bathroom. So I stood there awkwardly trying to cover myself with Alice frozen staring at my naked body. I blushed furiously as her eyes scanned my body, eyes turning a shade darker than their original color. Then she seemed to snap out of it and looked away.

“Omg Bella I'm so sorry! I heard your scream and I thought that something was wrong,” she explained as she looked in the other direction. 

Blushing I said, “its okay but umm can you get me a towel from the hall please.”

She nodded then walked out of the bathroom, I sighed and leaned against the wall embarrassed. Could this day get any worse?



Hey(: so sorry that I haven't uploaded in forever guys :( and I know that this is short but I think that a lot has happened in this chapt. Yeah I know I kinda rushed the werewolf thing and this will NOT be  a love triangle between alice-bella-leah or it might.. who knows(: but in the next couple of chapters will explain how she shifted. Bye<3<3

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2012 ⏰

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