Chapter 12: A Promise to the Dead

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"Uh, did you bring the movie?" he asked when they separated. Luna nodded. "Yeah," she said as she reached into her bag and pulled out a DVD. 

"When I told him that we were going to be watching a movie tonight, he thought of the most perfect one to watch which I agree myself if I must say so. He says you still have not seen it and that he's going to kill you if you don't. " 

Luna showed him the cover of the DVD. Scott bit back a groan. "Star Wars."

Luna chuckled, "Yeah. Now where's the TV?"

Scott had set the movie up and now the two were just about ten minutes in but Luna couldn't focus on the movie since Scott had kept on asking questions.

"So, this is the fourth one?"

Luna shook her head, "No, it's the first one. Even though it says fourth." "Then what's the first one?" Scott asked. "The fourth one," Luna said quickly. She then shook her head, "You know what?" She shut the movie off by closing the laptop, "Forget the movie."

She looked over to see Scott's amused face before they both leaned in to get back to their earlier kissing.

It was sweet, slow and pleasant. They just calmly sat there and lightly held each other as they teased against one another. They went on for about a minute before their hands started moving for their clothes. Luna moved to open some buttons on Scott's shirt and Luna sat up straighter for Scott to remove her leather jacket. They playfully made out for a bit and were getting ready to let themselves move a bit father than they had ever gone when Scott just froze.

"Wait," he said as he moved her to sit at his side.

Luna saw the worried look on his face. "Scott? What's wrong?"

"Something's here," he muttered.

Scott's hearing picked up a sound that was a lot like...growling. It was coming from behind the door. Scott stood up just in time for a crash to come in behind them. The window had shattered as Kate flew into the loft, fully shifted and growling.

Kate let her eyes scan the way the room was set up and how the two teens were before her entrance. "Oh, how cute," she grunted through her teeth.

Scott quickly moved to grab Luna so that they could make a break for it but the door was thrown wide open as two Berserkers started to make their way in. 

They were trapped.

Luna quickly grabbed a glass bowl that was on the table and threw it for the nearest Berserker. The bowl shattered against it's skull without giving off a flinch. 

The one next to it, began to move at Kate's subconscious command to go for Luna. Scott quickly move to defend her, but was taken by surprise as the Berserker quickly thrust one of it's bone claws into his side. Scott grit his teeth in pain and the Berserker grabbed him and threw him across the room.

"Scott!" Luna cried.

But a growl sounded and she started to duck away from one of the Berserkers stomping at her. Right into Kate Argent' path and she moved and sent a hard kick that sent her flying off into a gate. Luna flinched from the pain but noticed a chain hanging off beside her. She grabbed it and got to her feet, swinging the chain in front of her.

At that, the Berserker charged towards Luna and she started to whack at it. Swinging to make sure the end hit every exposed part of the beast's body that his bone armor left exposed.

Scott pushed down the pain he was feeling as much as he could as he threw himself to his feet and went at Kate. The two sent strikes at one another, only managing to graze each other with every other hit.

Retrouvaille [2] Scott McCallOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora