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That fluffy tail in my face was familiar, sweeping against my nose over and over again, smelling like dust. As a cat owner, I was used to waking up in this way, my furry roommate, Momo, sprawled out on my chest, waiting for me to feed her. But only the tail was familiar, the actual weight seemed way off. Whatever was on top of me was making it next to impossible to breathe. I raised my head as much as I could, and looking down my chest, my eyes fell on a very unfamiliar sight. Instead of a fuzzy cat butt, I was looking at a large pair of womanly cheeks, peach-like, gleaming in the light of the sun. Between them, a lily-white starfish. Beneath that, the bottom of a pair of labia just barely in view, rubbing against the blanket, lips plump and smooth. Two long legs were spread, the knees on my shoulders. Just over the horizon of the cheeks, the base of the black tail, still sweeping back and forth like a pendulum.

I laid my head back, my mind somehow a raging storm of confusion and questions, yet simultaneously blank. My first thought was the obvious: this had to be a dream. I closed my eyes and scanned my brain for the usual signs of sleeping, such as the absence of memory within a dream, but my mind seemed to be functioning normally. I even remembered going to bed the previous night.

But maybe there really was a girl in my bed and I was just imagining the tail, or perhaps dreaming it. Nope, I was now fully awake. So, there is a naked girl in my bed and she has a tail. Actually, forget the tail for now. Who's this girl? Did she break into my house? Is she a stalker? I'd like to think I'd know if I had a stalker, maybe get some crazy love letters or see someone rooting through my garbage. I'm a nice guy, I deserve a stalker. Maybe she's it and she decided to take the plunge. She broke into my house, drugged me, and the tail I'm seeing is just a hallucination. It was time to face this intruder.

Taking a deep breath, I pushed the girl to the side and rolled out of bed. "Who the hell are you?!" I yelled, getting to my feet.

Now with some distance, I was able to see this girl completely. She appeared 18 and was quite lovely, tall and slender, raven-haired with good-sized breasts and beautiful face. Aside from her long black locks, the only hair on her body was on her tail, still swishing, and... her ears. On top of her head were two cat ears, each as large as the palms of her hands. For a moment, I thought they were fake, but they looked as real as the rest of her and even twitched.

She didn't really seem startled by me pushing her off or yelling. She simply rolled onto her back and stretched. "Master, Momo wants food," she whined.


Her blunt words were like a slap in the face.

"Momo wants breakfast. Feed Momo."

"Who are you?" I asked again as she continued to stretch.

Finally, she looked up at me and smiled, flashing a pair of gleaming feline eyes. "Momo is Momo."

I slowly reached out to touch her head, feel her ears. She met me halfway, pressing her forehead against my hand and rubbing against it like a table corner. I felt the triangular ears poking out from her long hair, finding no seam or line to suggest they had been glued on or were fake in any way. The touching of her ears made her purr, a genuine cat purr, and it increased in volume as I moved down and felt the sides of her head. She lacked human ears, the sides of her head completely flat, save for a slight crease running up to join the edges of the cat ears. With my other hand, I felt her tail, as soft and bushy as the night before, but now bigger. I followed it to its base, just above her rear, and again found that it was perfectly merged with her body, protruding from right where the tailbone would be.

The more I touched her, the more she purred, and seeing the pleasure on this naked woman's face as I caressed her was turning me on. I was already sporting a tent in my boxers, but this stranger didn't seem to care, or even realize what it was.

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