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"Did you kill her, kater?"

"N-no" kater choked out.

Even though she didn't move, she commanded the air around him to cease.

She was very powerful.


And he hated her with his life.

But he owed her his life. And his family's. If he didn't do as she pleased, then his family would be in danger.

And he couldn't risk that.

She released him and he exhaled loudly with relief as he could breathe again.

"Thank you! I will find her, and kill her. I promise," he said, as he sprinted towards the door.

"You better," she said.

When he was out, Artimy smiled. "Or that'll be the last promise you'll ever make."

Chapter 1

"It was a pretty okay day," Cassie said.

Actually, to be honest, it was a totally rubbish day. But she wasn't going to say that to Kat, her best friend for years.

While they had been at the club, all the men had flocked around Kat, her ever so gorgeous friend. She wasn't jealous of Kat. She had learnt to cope with it while they were kids.

But she couldn't help wishing she could find someone special.

You'll get someone soon

But would she?

She was tired of waiting, tired of watching Kat get all the men. She wanted one of her own.

And she was going to get one.

* * *

"I need you to protect her, she's very important."

"What? Why me? "

"Just do what you're told."

"Bite me. Anyway I'm busy tonight."

"I'll send you the details and her address. Play it cool. And for goodness sake, do. Not. Be. A. Jerk. Gottit?" The phone clicked off.

"And for goodness sake, do not be a jerk." He mimicked, "Stupid bitch! I'll be a jerk if I want."

"Hey, what makes you think I won't tell her you just said that Caleb?"

"'Cos if you try, you won't even be alive to say the words, Jack," Caleb replied.

"Oh. Yeah. Good point. You know? I never knew you were a babysitter."


"Oh ok! Don't go all alpha male on me."

Caleb rolled his eyes. He loved Jack like a brother but seriously, there's only so much kicks a dog could take.

Caleb's phone pinged.

"So who's the chick you're "looking after?" Notice the fact that I didn't say babysitting." Jack said

"You know, she never did say she wanted only ME to look after the girl. I guess I could bring someone along, and who better to bring than you?" Caleb smiled evilly.

"What?! Nooo way! You know I'm busy tonight! I mean I know you want to spend more time with me, but seriously, I'm not into doing threesome with another guy."


"That is soo not a complimentary way to say my name. You've got to say it more nicely."

"The only time I'm going to say it nicely is if it's followed by a 'fuck you'. Your choice. Now stop yapping, and tell me where her address is. I wanna get this over with."

* * * *

"And you know I love it when boys do that. . . I think I'm in love." Kat said

Cassie sighed.

She had heard this about a million times. Soon, Kat was going to want to call him.

"I think I'm gonna call him."

Well what'd you know? Cassie loved her friend, she really did but she couldn't help but ask herself what the fucking hell boys saw in Kat. She moaned a lot, she talked a lot and for goodness sake she dated a lot.

Not that Cassie was jealous or anything, because, honestly she knew why Kat was the way she was.

And that was one out of the few reasons she was still friends with Kat.

"Hey there's someone outside." Kat shouted from the hall.

"Well who is it?"

"I dunno, you check."

"What?! You're right next to the door!" Cassie said.

"Well I'm making a call. And technically, I'm not RIGHT next to the door. I'm actually a few metres away from it."

And THAT was one out of a lot that Cassie DIDN'T like about Kat. She was lazy, and actually quite smart.


"Fine, whatever. I'll get it. But if I get eaten by aliens, it's your fault." Cassie said, getting of the bed.

"Whatever. Who said I'd care? . . . Oh hi! Is this brad?"

Cassie rolled her eyes for what seemed like the hundredth time and opened the door.

And on her doorstep, was the most gorgeous man she had ever seen.

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