Well My Dear... I'm not Dracula, but I am a Vampire Eve x Amaris

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   They say that love can last thousands of years through death and life, through heaven, and even hell. But Eve Hiro didn't believe this, every man and woman she had fallen in love with, they left her broken hearted and alone. That was until she met a man who from first glance had her almost in a trance.

   This man was Amaris Wilder. He had shaggy black hair that framed his face in a grunge like manner. His skin was pale, abnormally pale. His eyes were a dark brown hue that could be mistaken for black due to the dark shade they were, and due to his pale skin, his dark eyes stood out, mesmerizing and horrifying all at once. This was something that Eve wasn't used to.

   Now perhaps he was just an abnormal man, well that's what Eve happened to believe; that there had to be a reasonable explanation as to why he looked so odd compared to most, maybe he had a skin sensitivity to the sunlight, which was why he was so pale? There just had to be a reasonable explanation, but there wasn't, and that was the kicker to this all. No reasonable explanation could be found, not one at all.

   A voice snapped Eve out of her thoughts that had put her into a dreamlike state, causing her to ignore her current surroundings.
"Well my Dear, I asked if we'd meet again at the normal time tomorrow?" Amaris asked, how voice rather husky, yet had a teasing tone to it, or maybe it wasn't teasing, but sadistic instead? Who knew? Only Amaris did, and it wasn't likely he'd show his true intentions until forced to, which he hoped wasn't soon.

"Hu-Huh- Hmm? I-I uh- Yes of course Amaris, but may I ask as to why you're calling me Dear?" The Raven haired girl asked, confusion crossing her face, it could be seen from the way her electric blue eyes were shimmering in the dimmed down bar lights she was under.

   Amaris grinned, his white teeth making a small appearance though not fully, as if the man was trying to conceal something he didn't want the girl in front of him to see yet.
"Well a beautiful young lady as yourself should be treated with respect and called a term on endearment. I'd much rather call you 'Dear' than address you in a less formal manner." He replies, adjusting his left hand which was holding a cane. Now this cane was a dark colored wood that in the top had a silver wolf shaped bust on it for decoration.

   At this explanation, Eve felt a warmth cross her face, which she quickly tried to conceal by pulling the collar of her jacket up against her cheeks; acting as if she had become chilly rather suddenly.
"I-I see Amaris. It's rather sweet that you regard me so highly, I appreciate the kind sentiment. I tru-truly do. I'm not used to be-being treated with such respect, so I find that you treating me kindly means a lot. Thank you Amaris." She mumbles, a few stutters having come out due to the embarrassment she now felt due to the kind words that Amaris had spoken.

   Stumbling to her feet, her state of embarrassment making it a bit harder for her to balance herself, Eve grasped the bar stool she had been sitting on to keep her balance.
"I really need to get home, I have work in the morning, and I need to get some sleep so I don't end up slacking on my work. Though as I already said, I'll meet you here at the same time as I have been, the past few months. Good bye and good night Amaris." The girl's voice rings out as she set down the money she owed for her bill, before rushing out of the bar, hoping that Amaris hadn't seen how embarrassed he made the poor girl.

   As the next day came, Eve found herself back at the bar she frequented regularly, sitting on a bar stool next to Amaris. While Eve was drinking a shot of hard vodka, Amaris seemingly only had a glass of ice water with a lemon slice on the side of the glass. Now perhaps Eve wouldn't have found thief so odd, if it hadn't been the only thing she's ever seen Amaris order since she met him. Didn't this man get bored of the same thing almost every day? Perhaps this wasn't her business, but she you be herself taken over by her curiousity.
"I've never seen you drink anything else, and I've never seen you order a meal here either, is there a reason why?" She questions, those pool of blue eyes shining in wonder as she looked up at the taller man.

"Hmm? Now why would you like... No care, to know something as uninteresting as that? Well I suppose that why you want to know isn't really important. I don't drink alcohol, I find the numbing if your senses and dumbing down of your intelligence unappealing, I'm allergic to gluten, so eating a meal hereay make me a bit sick." He replies, taking a sip of his half filled glass of water.

"I... I see... I apologize. I thought... Perhaps you had another reason why..." She mumbles, her voice trailing off and becoming quieter as the sentence neared it's end.

"And why would you think such a thing?" His alluring voice rang out. He glanced at her with those orbs of dark brown, his left eyebrow raised in questioning.

   The girl glanced away, not speaking for a few moments, seemingly lost in thought.
"Well..." She trails off, taking a deep breath.
"You... You just seem so different. You don't look like everyone else, abs the way you speak... It's so formal that it's hard to believe you're around my age wince we act so differently. It's as if you were lost for c years, looking for something, but as the times changed, you didn't. I suppose that's why I'd think such a thing."

   The man grinned, a set of pearl colored fangs revealing themselves. He leaned in, his fangs brushing against the shell of her left ear.
"Well my dear I'm not Dracula, but I am a vampire, and you were mine many years ago before death stole you away..." His hot breath hit the side of her neck as he hunched down a bit, his fangs scratching against the girl's pale neck.
"And this time I'm not letting you go." And with that, his fangs pierced into her neck, causing Eve to fall fainted, as he began to drink from her, planning to take her home with him to turn her into that of the undead. To all the others at the bar, Eve losing her humanity, simply looked as if two lovers were having a little too much fun.

~Love Lasts Past Death Do Us Part~

DiabolikFangirlEve I hope you like this little One-Shot. ^^ I thought it may be nice to make a Halloween One-Shot book. I also hope this makes you feel a bit better. ^-^

Amaris: I love you my dear~ *Winks*

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