2) ChimChim...

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Jimin's Pov

Min Yoongi if I was honest, he's a catch. A snack some might say. I snort at my thoughts. I sit on the bed waiting for a reply. "So Yoongi Hyung what do you want to do this weekend anyway?" I tilt my head slightly, a small habit I have.

He shrugs his shoulders and turns away from holding the mall Naruto plush. "I don't know, you wanna go to the coffee shop down the street or do you want to watch a movie?" He places the plushy between his crossed legs and starts picking at his nails. Bang PD won't like that. Oh well. "Do you want to watch a movie, I mean Halloween is around the corner... we could watch a scary movie." his eyes wander over towards the black couch, as his thumb meets his soft pink lips.

I shrug my shoulders "Sure, but what would we watch huh?" I look down at my lap. My orange hair covers my eyes slightly, pushing it away I look back at Yoongi. Our eyes meet, a light shade of pink brushes his cheeks. He looks away then clears his throat. 'How cute'

"I guess we could watch ' A Train To Busan'. he responds looking at me, pressing his lips together. I nodded my head and made my way to his living room. I hear Yoongi walking behind me, dragging his feet as he made his way towards the Flat screen Tv. I break away from him making my way to the Kitchen. "Hey Yoongi, do you have popcorn here?" I call out.

"Yeah, over the over the Fridge." I turn around and face the silver refrigerator, I look above to see the white cabinets clean, no dust to be seen. I open the doors and grab the box of popcorn throwing it on the countertop and returning the box to where I got it from.

When the popcorn finally finishes, I pour them into a large bowl and exit the kitchen. Yoongi is sitting on the couch in footie pajamas, making me wonder how he changed so quickly. I ignore it and sit on his left putting the bowl of snacks in between us.

The movie starts and my shaking starts with it. I'm not a scary movie person, I like Disney movies with princesses and princes with a happy ending. Halfway through the movie my legs have found their way inside my sweatshirt, the Zombie crashed through the windows making me jump. My shaking became more violent making Yoongi look at me.

I jump when I feel his hand touch my shoulder. "Hey, are you okay? We can stop the movie if you want." his eyes narrow in worry. I shake my head wanting the movie to stop. He stands up and grabs the remote turning the movie off. Sitting on the couch I look down at my shaking hands. Yoongi clears his throat making me look up at him.

"It's pretty late, are you going back to your room?" I contemplate on whether I should stay or not. I don't want to walk in the dark alone, but I also don't want Yoongi to feel uncomfortable. Yoongi sighs and walks into his bedroom. Returning he throws clothes at me then points to his room.

"You're going to sleep in my room and I'll sleep on the couch, no if and or buts about it, goodnight." He pushes me into the dimly lighted room and closes the door behind me. I look around, it was mint green with posters and records hanging along the walls. A desk held a computer and black speakers. A record player stood next to his king-sized bed. Hanging over the headrest was a sticker on a crown with the word 'King' written under it. I rolled my eyes and chuckled. I slip into the clothes, an oversized white t-shirt, and shorts, and make my way into bed. Yoongi walks in one more time and whispers.

"Try not to scream in your sleep. I don't want to wake up at 3 in the morning alright." before he closed the door completely he whispers softly.

"Good Night, ChimChim." he giggles a little and closes the

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2018 ⏰

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