Chapter One

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It was one of those days where I felt so lonely. I didnt know why I felt lonely. I just did. Bob and the gang were outside the porch. I could hear their conversation from my patio. Of all words, 'greaser' stood out. I often heard about these greasers. They were said to be poor, worthless and greasy. I'd never seen anyone from their gang. Wait...maybe I have.

Some days ago, Bob told me he couldnt take me home from school and that Cherry will walk with me. It was fine with me, since I needed a break from being with him all the time. So Cherry and I were walking home, but what I didnt know was that she had other things in mind.

"Electra do you mind if we go a different way today?" she asked me. I shrugged my shoulders.

"I dont really, but if you have to, lets go" I answered.

"Thanks" she replied, and off we went, walking down the road I've never been to before.

It had been around 15 minutes and we were no where home. But instead we were at the poor side of town; somewhere Bob would never take me. I couldnt understand why we were here. I began worrying about what Bob would've done if he found out I was here. Maybe she was just lost...or maybe she had left something here?

"Cherry.." I muttered. Cherry continued walking.

"Hmm?" she mumbled, and even when she knew I was uncomfortable, we walked on.

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