The testament.

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   Don't move please ma, don't move,...nothing made sense. All so white, this must be heaven, Akin! Where is he, I asked whom I thought was an angel. Please try to relax. I smiled, yes I will relax I thought to myself as I saw Teni beside me,smiling at me, we are all going to be together now. Akin would be out anytime soon.    
  Mum...Mum.. oh thank God you are awake, im awake? I forced my eyes to stay open, it felt like there were tons of blocks on them, a sharp pain shot through my head, I winced in pain, I was aware I was laying down now... i tried to sit up, felt like a thousand men were holding me down. I was getting frustrated now with all the pain and confusion I felt , there was something resting on my left hand,I turned around to get the nuisance off, it's a tiny hand...a girl's...Teni's hand ..with so much light in her eyes,Mum can you see me? Yes darling I can see you, the room went into joyous shouting.. I saw Barrister, Aunty Tinuke with her swollen eyes,she must have been crying..a doctor and a few of my colleagues . It was all coming back now... oh God, Taju! Where is he I yelled..where is he!... what happened? Teni I thought I lost you.. I had just realized I was bandaged almost all over....the realization made my pain worse, we survived Teni.. you are here , Aunty Tinuke broke down, I could understand her eyes now... poor woman , must have been scared out of her mind... how long have I been here? One week Mum.. I took a deep breath.. where is Taju? We need to help him.  Now Barrister was clearing everyone in the room, can I have a moment with her alone.   Mary, it's a miracle you are alive, Teni sustained no burn cuz you used yourself as a human shield, you are very brave Mary. Yes thankyou Barrister I thought I lost her, it all happened so fast, how did we get out? He refused to open the door, or did he open it? I asked with a light in my eyes ...
  Taju did not set you free Mary, I called the police prior to our earlier conversation that day, he released some of his men to follow me, but the hold up delayed us so much and I was calling to know what was happening and let you know I had not failed you . Getting to your house after all the traffic, we saw the house in flames, I was beyond terrified, we immediately called the fire departments, while I and two of the police men approached the door, we saw a young man sitting down there with quite a lot of tools, and had blocked the entrance to the house with quite a lot of bricks. Immediately he saw us approaching,he picked a knife from his many tools scattered on the floor, I tried to ask him what was happening and why he wasn't trying to open the door, that people were trapped inside, it was almost like he got possessed, jerking the knife,threatening us not to come any closer, that this is the way it is supposed to end, jumbled mumbles about everyone going to be happy now, I recalled you saying it was Akins son and he was crazy but I thought you were just afraid.i had never met him in person. The police men told him to move aside and drop his weapon, it was futile, well we approached the door, and he attacked violently , I focused on breaking the crazy blockage he had created , the struggle got so crazy with him trying to stop me and the police men trying to stop him, the gun fired,the young man slumped to the ground, the fire team arrived so quickly thank God. They got in , and pulled your unconscious bodies out.,they said you had protected Teni with your body,protecting her from burns, but you would survive. And here we've been here for a week.   We tried saving the young man,but we lost him almost immediately the gun was fired. He is the spitting image of's so sad that,a man full of some much potentials....
  My mind blocked out the Barrister's voice ,I was in thought and sad, Taju was a broken Man who needed help and not death, I thought I could help him Barrister, he was Akin's son.  I know Mary I'm sorry , but he almost had you killed... 
    I drifted back, into a sleep.... I survived... it wasn't time after all, but maybe it was time to build a new house, new memories, legally adopt Teni.  If the pain of yesterday,stops me from a beautiful tomorrow, I am naught but a fool.....
        Akin's sin also gave me a new beginning •

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2023 ⏰

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