Living a Lie

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"Let me know when you want me to terminate your transfer," Alison smirked at Luke as he reread the letter.

Luke looked up confused, his brows knit together. "Why would I want that?"

Alison looked down at the boy still clinging to his mate but stuck in a daze, staring into space.

Luke scoffed. "I'm not staying with him. Actually, this is my ticket out of your little trap for good."

Alison rolled her eyes. "Whatever you say, kid. I'll type up that letter and have it on standby."

Luke rolled his eyes but only folded up the blue note and headed out of her office without another word. The pup wasn't going to do anything to change his mind no matter how much he whined and clung to him as he was now. Luke glanced at the boy who was completely spaced out relying completely on Luke to drag him through the halls. Probably talking to the dog.

Sol was in the middle of conversing with Benny and didn't even realize they had left the office. Benny, he's not going to stay, we have to follow him.

He won't like that Sol. Bentius whined not liking the idea of making their mate mad.

What about us? Yeah, he might get a little angry but if he leaves us here we won't be able to go on. Sol's emotions were starting to bubble out and tears starting to form. He didn't notice, too caught up in his mental battle. He only noticed when he felt Luke's thumb wiping his tears away.

Sol looked up at the man and realized he wouldn't be able to look at him for much longer. Never having been so bold before Sol did something that shocked both of them. Going on his tiptoe his lips attacked Luke's.

Luke was taken aback by the pup and went with the kiss for maybe a second before he got ahold of the situation and he was no longer reeling. Pushing the boy away Luke glared.

"What are you doing?!" Luke's voice was dangerously low as Sol looked up at him in surprise. 

"I-I don't know... I just- I'm sorry mate." Sol finished forlornly.

Luke's face softened as he looked down at the pitiful boy. "Listen pup, I don't have feelings for you. I hope you understand that now because pretty soon I'm going to be gone and you are going to have to move on."

"I can't do that mate. Once a wolf finds their other half that's it. No one will be good as Luke." Sol's eyes teared up even more before he couldn't hold them back any longer and he fell face first onto Lukes bed. He regretted sharing a room immediately when the scent of Luke completely flooded his senses and he cried harder.

Luke sighed at the desolate kid and dropped down on the bed next to him. "Sol, please don't cry."

"Why? My mate doesn't want me and now I  going to have to go back to the pack in shame! I already smallest and now everyone say my mate don't want a runt!" Sol didn't want to think of what his mother would say.

"Sol you know that's not why I can't be with you." Luke didn't know why he was bothering to comfort the dog but he just didn't feel right about leaving him crying on his bed. He felt like he was breaking up with him or something.

"Why then? It don't matter why! The pack don't care! They just laugh at me!" Sol threw himself at Luke's chest and sobbed harder.

Luke began to pat the boy comfortingly instead of trying to remove him and get away. Was it really so bad? The pack was that fickle that Sol would be looked down on even more than he already was?

Sol suddenly shot straight up. He had a great idea! There was one way he could go back to his pack and not look like a complete failure.

"Mate me!"

Luke's train of thought was so not in line with Sol's proclamation that it took him a second to process it. "What?"

"Mate me. I go back to pack if you mate me! And you visit me." Sol was ecstatic with his plan. They would mate. Sol would get pregnant and then he could go back to the pack and tell them Luke got transferred so Sol had to stay at the pack house until he came back.

"No, Sol. I'm not having sex with you and frankly, I don't know what that would solve." why would us having a sex change his opinion on going back? Is it some kind of weird wolf thing?

"Pups." Sol shrugged wondering if Luke knew how to make a pup.

Luke's face drained of color. "You wanted to get pregnant?"

"What mating for?" Sol rolled his eyes.

Luke rubbed a hand over his face and then held Sol by each of his shoulders. "I am too young to be having kids....You are way too young to be having kids...I don't want to have sex with you...I don't want some half dog freak kids....I want to leave here and hopefully, never see you again....You need to go home, where you belong and play with all your dog friends."

Luke had to spell it out for him slow and steady so he got the picture and there could be no more miscommunication.

Sol's eyes teared up once more as each of his mate's words hit.

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