Chapter 2 Gotham Academy Vs. Rupei Mej Academy And Meet The Miracle Girl

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*Nightwing P.O.V*

the Soccer team are having a match from Rupei Mej Academy that school is one of the best school.. they even have a prodigy student and now their having a match in here for the very first time! I even heard those students like "they will having a match on Soccer!"

"those player are lucky they will match each other!"

"I heard about a rumors that the Rupei Mej Academy win a lot of awards including sports as well!"

"really!? I even heard that the Soccer Club used to win 6 years straight in National Tournament and Inter-high" woah who would have thought that their bunch of strong athletics!

"they even have smartest student and she's famous person!" who? I'm pretty curious that girl and Miracle Girl

"if I remember correctly her name is Noveliza Marie Reyes! she's a Vice-captain of the Soccer!" I'll ask Alfred about the information of Noveliza.... her name is so unique

*Noveliza P.O.V*

today is our match and where here in Gotham Academy! wow their house is so huge! and I could tell their bunch of rich kids Captain said "girls lets go!" we went to our opponents since they will battle us suddenly I bump into someone when I was about to hit on the ground... the person grab my waist and pull me up and noticed that this person is having a strong arms.. when I look up its a guy who has dark blue eyes he said

"you okay?" I snapped back and pull away each other

I replied "yeah I'm alright and sorry that we bump into each other"

"its okay your from Rupei Mej Academy?"

"yeah I better get going I'm sure my team mates is looking for me" then I heard a voice behind us

"Noveliza lets go!" when we turn around its Anna I bow on him and both of us left

>>>>>>>>>> Time Skip <<<<<<<<<<

were changing our outfit captain said "girls lets do our best and DON'T YOU DARE HIDE ANYTHING if one of you are hurt got it!?" we nod in agreement

Manager said "I'm going to make a plan once I know their movements"

coach said "make us proud! now give me a hug!" we hug our coach his a nicest person that we have.... we also tell him our problems whenever were sad or pissed

Anne said "lets get started!" before we were start I kissed my good luck charm when Roy and Jade give this one to me.. I put the necklace inside of my shirt and start playing

*Nightwing P.O.V*

woah the Rupei Mej Academy are hard to defeat them yet the girl that I bump with she's fast! then I noticed that Artemis and Wally are here.. Artemis said "the rumors are true that the Rupei Mej Academy are strong and hard to beat with" those two didn't know yet that I'm here since I always wear shades.. suddenly I see that Noveliza made a goal... then my phone vibrate... I walk out and take the call

"Mr. Grayson I just finished research about Ms. Reyes" it was Alfred

I replied "tell me about her"

"Noveliza Marie Reyes she's the daughter of Elizabeth and Noah Reyes.... the Reyes Family owns a Music Company and of course her parents are friends of Master Bruce" so her parents is the bestfriend of Bruce!?

"there close?"

"precisely.... Noveliza is working as an idol her stage name is Annaliza Anderson and work as a model"who would have thought that this girl is famous

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