Chapter 1 I wanted To Meet Her The Miracle Girl

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*Nightwing P.O.V*

we have a new enemy and their strong! and after the incident we really thought that Wally would be dead but somehow their was a miracle happened... Aqualad said "we failed our mission again"

Artemis said "there too powerful and none of us couldn't even defeat or scratch them"

Wally said "no matter how many we are their too powerful!"

Megan said "what should we do?" the whole Justice League is looking at us

Batman said "how's the mission?"

I replied "we failed and their too powerful none of us couldn't defeat them"

Red Tornado said "how many are they?"

Aqualad said "their 3 person that are powerful but we couldn't see the rest of them"

Black Canary said "this could be a huge trouble for us"

Superman said "could we call her?" her who?

"Superman you know that this girl used too much power when she saved Wally" all of us are surprised the girl saved Wally's life!?

Wally said "who!? I wanted to know where she is!"

Green Arrow said "sorry were the only one's who could meet her"

Superboy said "who is she anyway?"

Red Tornado said "she's being called Miracle Girl" Miracle Girl? she could do something Miracle?

Black Canary said "Miracle Girl has the ability to see past,present and future.. she'll do something miracle that none of us couldn't do"

Artemis said "we wanted to thank her for saving Wally's life!"

I replied "yeah! why can't we see her?"

Batman said "she's not allowed to see anyone only us and that's the end of it" the Justice League left

Aqualad said "why we couldn't see her?"

Wally said "cause she's old?" Artemis punch his head and said

"really? do you want to be rude on Miracle Girl that he save your lives!?"

Superboy said "Miracle Girl has an ability to see past,present and future right?" we nod

Megan said "how come we didn't saw her for the past few years until now?" then we heard a voice

"that's because Miracle Girl was busy saving the whole world" when we turn around its Red Arrow not Arsenal

I replied "you know her?"

"as the matter of fact I do know her Miracle Girl is like my younger sister to me"

"how old is she?"

"your interesting on her do you? well Miracle Girl is 18 years old now"

Aqualad said "she's celebrating her birthday today?"

Artemis said "she's having a debut at her being an 18 years old!"

Red Arrow said "yesterday I went to her birthday and give Miracle Girl a gift and she loved it"

Superboy said "tell us more about Miracle Girl"

"well Miracle Girl already knew you guys when your meeting each other as team through visions... she was also their when you guys are being surrounded water and flame"

"so that's the reason why it was gone and were completely healed at that time!" so all this time she's with us all along while we didn't see it!

I replied "give us a clue who is Miracle Girl?"

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