"For a second I was so excited that you are going to start dating now. Way to ruin my mood, kid."

The last word struck a cord.

Maybe they all see me like that and don't want to date a kid.

The brunette scowled playfully albeit the actual presence of slight pain in his chest at the thought.

"I don't think you should call a twenty one year old a kid. Besides, aren't you a little too short to call anyone a kid?"

His response was ignored with the flick of a middle finger as Jimin's eyes darted from Jungkook to the door behind the brunette before he could speak. Another person had entered stealing his attention and his curses that he was about to spew lost their track.

"Well, it was nice to see you here Kookie, even if it was for a dare. I have to go now since unlike your unlucky self, my boyfriend is here."

Without waiting for a reply from the younger he got up and left him to greet the new comer. Jungkook turned in his seat to see the scene he knew he didn't want to see at the moment. Jimin and Yoongi; a black haired male who was two years older but only one centimeter taller than Jimin and was dating him for three years now; shared a sweet kiss as the older's hand rested on the blond's back before they broke it off and the older said something that made the shorter of the two laugh as they approached a table away from Jungkook's.

 Jimin and Yoongi; a black haired male who was two years older but only one centimeter taller than Jimin and was dating him for three years now; shared a sweet kiss as the older's hand rested on the blond's back before they broke it off and the ol...

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Jungkook looked away immediately since all he felt was jealousy now. It happened every single time. His friends would go on dates, dinners, events for couples etc. while he had to deny the offers and pretend to not be interested just to hide the fact that no one wanted to do anything like that with him at all.

His elbows supported his hands as his head dropped in them to shield his mind from his surrounding. Why wouldn't anyone date him? What was lacking in him? He was tall, healthy, handsome, manly, sexy, smart, sweet, caring, playful and he could cook. What was it that he didn't have? Was it really because of his age? Or was it because he had less monthly income? But he's just a student. How was he supposed to earn a big sum at this young age and with little to no experience? He used to think he was doing pretty good with his side job so far but maybe not everyone thought that way. Should he start another part time job to earn more? Maybe at a pizza place near the college or at the cafe he was sitting at? Maybe he could become a bartender. He had heard they make a handsome amount of money. How about a dancer at a strip club since he had all the attributes anyone would find drool worthy? A grunt escaped his lips at the absurd thought and he took in a deep breath to stop his mind from over flooding with thoughts.

What do I need to do to get someone to love me?

Jungkook didn't realize he had someone sitting across him for a few minutes now who had arrived a few moments after he went in his mental world. The person didn't bother to interrupt the brunette during his internal debate and just stared at him as the worried male sighed in frustration one last time after a long time before looking up from his hands only to almost jump out of his skin from surprise.

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