.x doll.

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The blasted elf has ran out. Draco should have probably killed it off too but lately there had been a shortage of them and he can't be bothered to hunt or ask his henchmen to buy more. It's just elves.

Why bother?

Especially when there are more pressing matters at hand.

Like how the soup was better today than it was yesterday, the water fresher, the bread softer...and how the mudblood was dressed in her school robes. Pathetic ugly thing. It's like she has assumed the role that she has in this house-- his plaything.

"Why are you not eating?"

He pointed to the untouched food. She just coughed and there was still blood on her cracked lips, some that spilled to the sides that the elf was not able to wipe off and the mudblood could not care less about. She continued to just stare at him or rather through him, past him.

"It hurts."

This statement made Draco laugh but it didn't feel like it was only his side that was splitting. Something felt like it broke inside him as well and it was an utter inconvenience, so like anything, he'll fucking ignore it.

"And do you think I fucking give a flying sod?"

This time her brown eyes locked into his. She was not looking past him anymore, she was looking at him and only him. It felt like a puzzle piece just clicked into place, he might just be imagining it but he heard it echo across the room just as her cold hands tried to reach for his hand that was still holding the fork across the table. Cold fingers grazed his skin. He didn't move it away.

"Please make it go away. I can't go to Potions like this. Professor Snape might throw me out."

This statement really made Draco lost it, he clutched at his stomach and burst into laughs. He just can't laugh enough to indicate how funny she is being. He just can't. Not hard enough. Not enough.

"You crazy bitch. Where do you think you are?"

Her face was still blank. Her eyes stone hard. Not dreamy like those of Draco's dead cousin, Luna. Definitely not. It was as if she believes in her facts and that everyone should to, she's not stuck in her own world-- she thinks she is still part of the world when in fact, she isn't.



Draco grinned he's successful. Triumphant. Victorious. He did it. With just one encounter he had done her in. She's so scared, she'd gone crazy. What will Neville Longbottom do when he sees her like this? From his cell in Azkaban, rotting, fighting insanity for the sake of his cause, for the people in hiding who still chose to believe. Will the mudblood's crazed, dazed eyes make him snap?

"Alright. So we have Potions later. Alright. So you have to eat up. Will you do that?" He reached out to touch the knotted curly hair. She didn't wince or flinch away from his touch. She just stared dead straight at him. Bleeding lips unmoving.

"I can't. My mouth hurts, Malfoy. I'll go see Madam Pomfrey," she said weakly. Mouth barely moving. She's telling the truth. The little bitch is actually calling him with his last name like they are schoolmates again.

"Come here," he instructed. Wheeling his chair closer towards her. Hermione looked at him with wide eyed questioning. Her brown eyes bright with that familiar curiosity, that need to know facts. Despite her waning hold to reality. She still questions him.

"Where is your wand, Granger?" he asked dulcetly, lips barely touching her earlobes. He kept with the theme of speaking to her like they were back in Hogwarts even though they are as far from it as the droplets of rain in the sunny sky to a dying flower. He took her in with closed eyes. She smelled of sweat and struggle and something sweet. His hand continued to caress her roughened, tangled curls. If it's a joy to run his hands through them now what then what then when she's had a bath?

"Ron broke his wand and I lend it to him for Charms--"

He yanked at her hair and she let out a soft yelp. Tears already threatening to spill out with a harder tug.

"Please," she whimpered.

He let up with a smirk.

"Very well then. I'll help you," he offered with a wave of his hand. "Now, I need you to sit on my lap and call me 'Master'."

"But why?"

"Because I want you to and if you do what I want I won't hurt you," he run his thumb on her bottom lip, slightly disappointed that the skin has cracked. It was so unlike the supple and soft ones that he had three years ago. It felt like she has never kissed anyone back then. Like he was her first. Like she had no use for her lips other than kissing him.

Hermione got up from her chair and stood before him. "I really don't understand why you want me to sit on your lap."

"You don't want to?"

"I don't want to," she replied with a crumpled look at his lap.

Draco smirked at her, ignoring the heavy drag that was caused by her rejection. Thousands of girls will be clawing at each others eyeballs to be this close of a proximity to him. But still she's just a mudblood, what does she know? Not just a mudblood, an insane one.

"That's exactly why."

She didn't protest anymore and climbed up his lap. He can't feel her weight on him but she was too real, from the the way her hair tickled his chin, to her frail hand that absentmindedly grasped his arm and shoulder-- parts that could still feel-- to her sweetness, that one of a kind scent, almost a memory but much too real as he embraced her. He wrapped both arms around her waist and he pulled her close. Possessively. Not by any means protectively. He had waited for this for so long. He had searched high and low for her. Thought and planned...

"Say it," he whispered against her neck.

Hermione struggled a bit to look up at him because even as he recognized what she is about to do, Draco had no intention on slackening his hold on her.

Finally, her brown eyes landed on his face. The light of the dying sun bounced on them, they looked just a shade paler than crimson. Like a defeated red. The cracked blood on her skin begged to be wiped away. Her skin begged to be touched. Her mouth held a downward slope as she reached out to touch his face. Eyebrows furrowed, teardrops falling.


Draco swore and swore and swore three years ago that he'd kill her. That he'd do a lot of things-- evil, vicious things-- to her. But as her cold hands touched him of her own accord, he can't remember a single thing that he swore he'd do to her.

But no one has to know that.

No one has to know as he pulled out the Elder Wand and healed all the wounds that he caused her earlier. Parting her lips with his own just so he can check if every little wound has closed. She didn't respond to him but she didn't back away, not stiffening either. It was like kissing a doll. But nevertheless if she becomes a doll then she is his doll.

Stroking her hair as he watched her eat. Smiling to himself. Satisfied that the last of the Golden Trio is finally his and only his alone.

Still in celebration of hitting 1k reads! Though this one took little more time to edit haha also I NEED YOUR THOUGHTS. Please comment XD

Song up top is 'Sarah Smiles' by P!ATD. Just for the line:
"She lives in her world so unaware. Does she know that my destiny lies with her?"
If yall been to my other story, Yours in Mayhem, then you know i have a hard on for any P!ATD. Expect more songs from them.

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