.iii good girl.

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"Stay there like the good girl we all know you are," the nameless Death Eater said to Hermione, his gloved finger twirling a lock of her curly hair. The sinister voice is laced with perversion, the barrier provided by the mask did not lessen the venom. There will be less damage done to her person with a fire breathing dragon in an arena than with this clearly sex deprived Death Eater and with her strapped to the chair wearing a falling at the seam's whore dress.

"You half witted arsehole, you can't even cast a binding spell correctly!"

She spat at him. The white speck a contrast to the black of the intimidating mask. A hand flew to her face, but instead of hitting, it grabbed her by the chin. "If it weren't for him, I would have punched you in the face. But since it is him..." a gruff laugh resonated from the masked face. "That just makes you a very lucky girl. He plans to play with you for a very long..." he elongated his word as emphasis, as if she was a child being hushed to sleep even as his fingers's grab on her chin grew tighter, "...long time. Be a good girl until then."

"You are nothing but a bundle puppets who don't see strings. I'm not the toy. You are," Hermione snapped. She's not scared. She never was. They are all a bunch of pathetic dogs, all vying for power since Draco took control of the god forsaken elder wand after Voldemort's death. "You do know that Draco doesn't take notes on who has killed the most innocent people. So what for? You are all the same to him!"

"You dare say his name?!"

Hermione felt her gums and lips bruising from the rough hold on her, her teeth are starting to cut through her mouth cheeks, making them bleed. The saltiness of blood lingered at the tip of her tongue but she won't cry and she won't plead for him to release her. She has suffered more than enough in the hands of too many to mention for her to know that asking them to stop will only make it worse. Her lion pride was too much for her to do any of that.

"Will you prefer it if I say 'ferret'?" She can barely say the word as  another hand closed against her throat, choking her and making her gasp for air. Her eyes were just about ready to pop out from their sockets. If they want her dead, then so be it. But she will never beg them for anything. She has nothing more to lose. Nothing. They all made sure of that. No more reason to live her remaining days on her knees.

There was no more air in her body, no more breaths, life is slowly leaving her, her vision is fading. She didn't fight it. She succumbed into the darkness.

She didn't lose the fight. The darkness only won after she stopped fighting it.


Shoutout to the people who added this story to your reading lists! I'm just happy that some of you are willing to give this story a try :) I will try to update at least once a week! Really, I promise. 

Song up top is 'Catching My Breath' by Kelly Clarkson. 'Cause get it? He's choking her-- haha? No? No takers? Yeah, yeah. I'm an asshole wow.

Darkest Shade of Light| DramioneNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ