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The next morning my sleep was interrupted by a loud yell from Mr. Kawashima. I wasn't particularly happy with the thought of being woken up from a sudden yell. I sigh as I toss my legs over the edge of the bed. I make my way into the bathroom to take a quick morning shower before I got myself dressed and ready for the day. I turned on the shower to a high setting as I stepped inside, not having to discard and clothing for I was already naked from the previous night. The water was warm, and felt like heaven like each time I showered. I quickly finished off my shower and grabbed a towel to dry myself off before I put on the usual dress pants and a white button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up. I wrapped the towel around my waist, before walking towards the walk in closet and slipped on my boxers, then my socks and then my dress pants and put on a very thin white tank top before putting on my white button up shirt over it.

"Morning," I muttered as I walked into Mr. Kawashima's office with a mug of coffee, and a plate with two pieces of toast, buttered and with some cheese on top.

"Morning," he growled back as he slammed the phone on the table.

"Here's your breakfast, I'll be in the living room if you need anything else, just send me a quick text," I spoke quietly before leaving the room and closing the door and heading down the stairs into the large ball room before walking through a set of doors that lead into a large living space.

I sat down on one of the large couches and held an iPad to look through my bosses schedule. The world was silent around me, the clock ticking as I just quietly read through the schedule. I yawn as I set my elbow on the arm rest, before resting my cheek against my first slowly dozing off before the sound of my phone going off. I growled as I stood up from the seat and checked the phone.

Kawashima: Bring me coffee, thanks.

I made my way into the kitchen and brewed him a cup of coffee, pouring it into a mug. I set it on a tray before walking up the stairs and into his office, the door closed but the voices coming through the door showed that he had company. I knocked on the door, waiting for the permission to enter the room. The voices suddenly stopped instantly when I knocked, must've startled them.

"Come in," Mr. Kawashima spoke, his voice muffled as the door was closed. I pushed the door open, revealing his fiancé sitting in front of his desk.

"I brought your coffee, Mr. Kawashima," I spoke and settled the coffee cup onto the table, my anger bubbling inside, I wasn't sure why I was angry, but I was definitely angry over something.

"Yes, yes, you may now leave, we're busy!," his fiancé snarled, and I was ready to bite her head off. I just let out a soft hum, before taking the tray and leaving the room before stopping right at the doorway.

"I'm going to go to the city with Hiraoka, need me to pick something up?,"

"No, I'll text you if I need something," I nodded and left, closing the door behind me before heading towards the front doors to find Hiraoka.

I wasn't really going to the city to buy some groceries or such, I was heading there to go see Yamani Dino. I found Hiraoka by the limo, casually cleaning the windows with soap and a sponge. I walked up, and he noticed me almost instantly. He turned his body towards me and smiled, but that smile soon faltered as he looked at the expression on my face. I already knew that I didn't look happy, not even pleased, I looked furious and I was.

"Can you drive me to the city, I have something I want to do there," I spoke as I stared at him, my expression soon turning expressionless.

"Yeah, sure," he didn't seem very convinced but he got in a small black car that was carefully parked beside the limo.

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