Chapter 15: Izana

Start from the beginning

"And you were going to tell me you returned when?" Akatsuki questioned with a hand on her hip.

Mitsuhide gave a nervous laugh.

"We're back."

"An hour too late."

A frown made its way onto Akatsuki's face.

"Well I guess it doesn't matter." The redhead sighed. "You guys are back safe. That's what matters."

"Aww you are just cute!" Mitsuhide said with a baby voice.

He scooped the redhead into his arms and gave her a bone crushing hug. The group of friends talked about their adventure to Raxd Fortress and how a group of merchants who were really bandits sold wood to the men of Raxd. The wood when burned released a toxin that negatively impacted the soldiers health, giving the bandits the chance to rob the armory. Thanks to Shirayuki they made a steed fast recovery and Zen, along with his two aids and the recovered soldiers of Raxd Fortress, battled and won against the bandits allowing them to take back the weapons that were stolen.

"I wish I could have gone with you guys." Akatsuki moped.

She too wanted to join in the battle against the bandits.

"But noooo I had to stay here and heal." Akatsuki continued.

Zen let out a small chuckle.

"How are you? Are your injuries all healed up?" It was Zen who spoke.

"Mostly." Akatsuki sighed. "I'll still have a scar from the bear but Ryuu said that in a couple of days I'll be as good as new!"

A look of guilt formed on Zen's face. One that was quickly wiped away when Akatsuki lightly punched his shoulder.

"I'm fine." Akatsuki assured with a confident smile. "And while you guys were at Raxd I stayed here and worked on my swordsmanship. Thanks to captain I'm getting stronger. I might even be able to take you on Kiki."

To this the blonde female raised a brow. A grin formed on her lips.

"Well see about that."

The two females grinned at each other before Akatsuki's attention was brought to something much more important. Shirayuki.

"Right, I have to go see Shirayuki! Do you know where she is?" Akatsuki queried.

"Check the pharmacy." Kiki recommended.

"Yeah, anyway we should get going now, that's enough slacking for you Zen." Mitsuhide said.

Zen rolled his eyes and gave Akatsuki an exhausted smile.

"I'll see you around. Later." Zen said as he and his two aids began to walk away.

He gave a small wave and in return Akatsuki gave a closed eyed smile.

"See you!" The redhead said before running off to the pharmacy.


"SHIRAYUKI!" Akatsuki screamed in both excitement and joy.

The Girl With Flame Red Hair (Akagami no Shirayukihime) TwinsWhere stories live. Discover now