Chapter 12: Recover

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What's up my lovely people? Thanks again for all the votes and comments. I'd also like to thank you all for the support. Ok now lets get to the chapter.

"Damn brat stop crying already!"

"Great you made it worse!"

"Idiot, slapping a baby will only make it cry more!"


"Uh boss-!"

"This baby is worth more than all your lives combined and you dare to strike her!"


"Ahhh! You killed him!"

"Give the baby to me and bring me the drug."


"Hello there, you're going to make me a lot of money. Be a good girl and take your medicine."

I open my eyes and with a sudden burst of energy lurch my body forward. I turn my head wildly, taking in my surroundings. I focus on a pair of soft hands griping my shoulders.

"Akatsuki!" My sister cried.

Shirayuki pulled me into a tight embrace, salty tears dampening my nightwear. I slowly wrap my hands around my twin and fix my face to the crook of her neck. I ignored the strands of her red hair that tickled my nose and dwelled in my sister's warmth. Thoughts from my nightmare vanished and all I could think about was her. She was safe.

"I was so worried." Shirayuki choked out. "You were just screaming for it to stop and I didn't know what to do."

I looked at her unknowingly.

"What are you talking?" I ask while gently pulling away from her.

"You had a nightmare." My twin explained.

At the mention of it a image of lime green eyes invaded my mind. Within them held pure malice.

"Akatsuki." Shirayuki called, lightly rested her hand on my shoulder. "You're shaking."

"Well yeah it's cold in here." I say nonchalantly.

Now completely awake and aware of my senses, I winced at the stabbing pain in my arm. I look over at it and see bandages wrapped around my left arm. I had almost completely forgotten about the bear attack. I could see a bit of blood bleeding through the bandages.

Taking notice Shirayuki left to get fresh bandages and some herbs to numb the pain. It was then that I realized that I had forgotten to ask if she and Zen were okay. I sighed at my absent mindedness and lay my body back down to sleep.

However I was unsuccessful due to the window curtains tickling my face. Sighing heavily I raise up my body to close the window only to shrink back in both shock and fear. Outside the window was a tree and on that tree is a man. It just so happened that the man, about to climb into the room through the window, was the same man who abet in the hostage situation during the trails.

I attempt to close the window but he had already made it in. Not sure what to do I scream as loud as I can. It was cut short by a hand covering my mouth.

I slap the hand away and pull the man by this collar off the windowsill and down hard to the floor. I then straddle him pinning his hands with mine.

"Who are you and why are you here!" I ask trying my best to sound intimidating.

"You're pretty strong for a sick person." He complimented, smirking.

In an instant our positions were switched. His grip around my arms were tight enough to hold me down but loose enough to not hurt me. His leg in between mine to prevent me from kneeing him in the balls.

The Girl With Flame Red Hair (Akagami no Shirayukihime) TwinsWhere stories live. Discover now