Chapter 11: Fight

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Now we're over 7k!!! The views just keep comen yahooooooo! Sorry it took so long to update but my phone broke and that's what I use to type and update chapters. Luckily I got a new one and now I'm back in business oh yeah! BTW... I rewrote chapter 10 so re read it cause things are a bit diffrent. I go into more detail about the pain Akatsuki feels and I changed up the stuff that happened in the wierd dreams she's been having so I recommend you do so. Anyway........... let's continue where we left off.

Akatsuki knowing better than to panick, cooled her head and thought of possibilities. In her current conditions she could barley walk let alone fight. The males were strong. Akatsuki could tell. If only she had her medicine, then she'd at least have a chance, but she didn't. Instead of wishing and hoping for some miracle to happen Akatsuki took matters into her own feeble hands. She went back the lake where the fire burnt bright.

Taking a random branch she let it catch fire and picked up the flare. Looking back she saw the fire and prayed it wouldn't start a forest fire. Akatsuki walked back to where Shirayuki and Zen were tied up and standing about a yard away set the flare off. It shoot smoke into the air and the red head prayed the examiners would see and come help the current situation.

Akatsuki blew out the branch that was still burning and stumbled closer to see if Shirayuki and Zen were alright. To her surprise she saw the ferret but it was ontop Sirbasturd's shoulder. He smiled at the furry creature and petted its head. Akatsuki watched and glared from a distance.

'Did I just get played by... a ferret.'

Akatsuki felt stupid. The ferret wasn't helping her, it was just leading her to its master. Sirbasturd was just standing there, smirking. Akatsuki's heart stopped when his head turned towards her direction.

"Come on out red!" Sirbasturd called out.

Akatsuki didn't move. There was a possibility that he was just bluffing. She was wrong.

"Alright fine. If you won't come out willingly then, you'll be brought out by force."

Suddenly, Akatsuki's hands were brought behind her back and she was thrust forward. The elder twin let out a faint cry of pain and was forced out from her hiding space.

Shirayuki's head snapped to her sister's direction and her eyes went wide. Guilt and regret evident in her eyes. Seeing her sister in such a pitiful state sent tears to her eyes. Zen just stared wide eyed.

"Akatsuki..." Shirayuki managed to say.

The brown haired man kept his grip firm on Akatsuki. Sirbasturd watched her intently and motioned for the eyebrowless brunette to let go. The moment he let go, Akatsuki with ease fell to the floor. Her arms red from where the man gripped her.

Sirbasturd loomed over Akatsuki. He lightly put his foot on top Akatsuki's head and slowly applied more pressure. Akatsuki grunted in pain. The burning sensation that had left her body was back. Tears threatened to spill but she didn't let them fall.

"How pathetic. I haven't even done anything yet you're on your knees, already defeated." Sirbasturd taunted. "Come on get up!" Sirbasturd demanded, lightly kicking her over.

Akatsuki's breath was uneasy and her eyes red.

" go." Akatsuki choked out.

"How about this, admit that I'm stronger and beg for forgiveness. Then maybe-"

"C-cut the...crap. I'm not a-ask-asking I'm That's the second Prince you got tied up there. Y-you executed...for...t-this."

"You know it's hard to take you seriously when you're stuttering on almost every word."

Akatsuki watched helplessly as he walked toward the two captives.

"I'm going to give you a choice." Sirbasturd said.

He held his knife and pointed between Zen and Shirayuki.

"You can either save Zen or Shirayuki. Decide."

Akatsuki didn't answer. The Prince or her sister. She knew that if she wanted to become a guard it would be to protect Zen. Shirayuki was her sister but a Prince...

"If you can't decide then I'll kill them both~" He sang.

Akatsuki muttered her answer.

"Speak up!" The crazed man commanded.

Akatsuki once again mumbled her answer louder but it was unclear. Irritated Sirbasturd walked over to her so he could clearly hear her answer.


With all the force she could muster Akatsuki stood up and charged at Sirbasturd, landing a punch that was a little below his chin. Sirbasturd stumbled back. His vision blurred he stumbled to the floor. Akatsuki took the chance and pinned him down. Taking the knife that he had dropped, she nicked his cheek and discovered that he was out cold.

The ill redhead rolled off Sirbasturd and slowly made her way towards Zen and Shirayuki. She cut the rope that bonded thier hands together. Now relieved, Akatsuki turned her gaze over to the male brunette. She held the knife towards his direction and took a step towards him. A step was all she could take before her vision blurred from both pain and exhaustion. Akatsuki fell to the floor, her eyes barley open and she could hear voices.

"You didn't have to grab her that hard!"

"I didn't, I'd never hurt a lady!"

"Akatsuki I'm sorry! I didn't know you could get sick like this."

"You did good."

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