Chapter 33

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Before I start this chapter, I'd like to clear up the face claims since one of you asked for it. :)

Ariana . . . I picture her as 2012 Ariana Grande, but you can picture her as whoever.

Perrie . . . Perrie Edwards (wow when I came up with the character names I was so creative! lol not.)

Luke . . . my bby Hemmings.<3

Mike . . . Ashton Irwin❤

James . . . any brunette boy but I imagine him as Bae from Once Upon A Time, idk why.

Brian . . . I was contemplating between Troye Sivan , Chris Colfer , Darren Criss and a dozen other hot guys, though anyone you picture is fine :))

By the way, the usernames in this chapter were just made up in my head.


Catch Me by Demi Lovato, because omg. ❤


(Just) A Little Bit of Your Heart by Ariana Grande, because oh my god I'm in love.This song made me cry.


@lily1965horancake: lmfao Ariana is such a cock sucking, gold digging liar.

»@arianaxyoutube: @lily1965horancake Wow, okay.

@natalouis89: @arianaxyoutube wow ur a slut . that guy doesn't even look gay so ur lyinh bitvh.

»@arianaxyoutube: @natalouis89 Who are you to determine someone's sexuality?

@lilouharniza1: I hope Ariana dies choking on a dick, LOL!
»@arianaxyoutube: @lilouharniza1 LOL!1!!1!1!1!1

@emeliamorestyles: @arianaxyoutube GO DIE, BITCH! UR A SLUT.
»@arianaxyoutube: @emeliamorestyles And when I do die, I hope you're happy.

@horansbitcg176: I always had a feeling Ariana was a bitch. :) #right
»@arianaxyoutube: @horansbitcg176 Seriously?

@leeumpaynia: why do ugly ppl like Ariana date people out of their league ? ugh
»@arianaxyoutube: @leeumpayni I'm sorry I'm human and not a model.

@summastyles09; @arianaxyoutube lmao fat ass dick sucking cunt

»@arianaxyoutube: @SummaStyles09 "Sticks & stones may break my bones but words will only tear my skin apart." Have a nice day, x.

@b18292928s: @arianaxyoutube ur dead parents were ashamed of u

I stared at the tweet with pure rage. My breathing sped up and I shut my laptop close. How dare she or he say that. And how the fuck do they know about my parents passing away?

God I miss mom and dad.

Grabbing my phone, I checked it to get my mind off of them. The haters knew nothing about me. They're just mad because they love someone so much they don't want to see me with him. But it's still not right of them to say those things.

16 'missed' calls, 11 unread text messages, and 6 voicemails all from a dyed blond boy a couple hours ago. After cooling off and finally giving in, I decided to read the text messages.

Niall Horan:

»Please answer .!!
»I'm sorry .
»I never meant that you were a slut cause you're not
»I was jus
»look please answer
»im sorry . please call me once you're done mad at me which is soon hopefully
»please i
»I'm sorry
» :(
»I know i am a dick , but please answer I jus hope you re okay .

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