Chapter 12

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I'm sitting on my bed in my room with a cop by the door and two baby's I just got to calm down and sleep and a son who's clinging to me scared and I don't blame him I'm scared too. Can you blame us, someone just broke into our house and shot at me. A EMT lady is in my room cleaning and looking at my face because when the person shot the bullet hit my mirror sending glass flying and a piece hit me by my eye. As she's putting a band-aid on my cut I hear boots running up the stairs and someone say "where" next thing I see is Opie, Jax, Tig, Happy, Kozik, Chibs, Bobby, Juice, Clay, Piney and Half-Sack walking into my room. Opie walks up to us and looks me over, kisses my head then pick up Ryder, Ryder lifts his head and see Opie and clings to him for dear life and Opie tells him "hey little man your safe. I'm here now and I'm not going anywhere." and rubs Ryder's back soothingly. He then looks on the bed and sees Blaze and Blade, reaching down he rubs his finger down each of their cheeks. Looking at me again he asks "are you hurt anywhere else" and I say "no" he opens his mouth to say something else but is cut off by Hale and Unser walked in. Hale looked at me and say "the man is Paul Martin. have you ever had an encounter with him before" and I had to think for a bit then it hit me "Zack's dad" and Hale says "who" and Opie says "his kid goes to school with Ryder and they got into a fight in Kindergarten" and I said "and first grade and today" Opie looks at me and Hale says "did he ever threatened you or Ryder" and I said "no but he has a temper, he tried getting in my face blaming Ryder for the fights even though his son starts them" and Hale says " ok that's all I needed to know. he's under arrest and will be going to jail after he's released from the hospital. he's charged with breaking and entering, assault with a deadly weapon, intent to harm and three counts of child endangerment" Clay then says "released from the hospital" and Hale says "she shot him in the chest" and Tig says "shit that hot" and Chibs says "shut up you dirty bastard". Once the cops and EMT leave Piney walks over to me and says "are you ok" and I nod my head and say "I'm fine" nodding he pulls me in a hug, pulling away he says "can I hold one of my grandson's" and I said "of course" and I pick up one and say "this is Blaze" and I hand him over to a smiling Piney. Tig then says "can I hold the other one" and before I can say anything Opie says "not before me" and he lays a sleeping Ryder down on my bed. When he picks up the baby I say "that's Blade" smiling Opie says "their perfect". I sit back watching big bad biker cooing at two little babys. After everyone held them their back in mine and Opie's arms, looking up Opie says "can yall give us a minute" they guys nod and walk out closing the door behind them. Opie then turns to me and says "you were right. she left two months ago and signed over her rights. I didn't know about the twins, I swear. I didn't know until today, she hide the other letter from me. I would really love to be in their lives, all of your life's." and I said "I would never stop you from being in the boys life's. Ryder has missed you so much." and he says "Kenny and Ellie have missed you too, I missed you." and I said "I missed them too." Looking at me he says "do you think we can try again" sighing I say "it will take some time before I let my guard down and you get my trust back. the way you threw me aside hurt me." and he said "I'm so sorry for hurting you and I will never do that again. I promise." then he pulls me in a soft embrace careful of the twins. Pulling away he says "yall will stay at my place until we fix your door and Juice puts cameras and a alarm system in. go pack some things for you and the boys." nodding I pack my bag, then I go to Ryder's room and pack his bag then I move to the twins room. Walking back into my room I see Opie put the twins in their carseats. Looking up he says "you ready" and I say "ya", just then Jax and Chibs walk in and Chibs grabs the bags and Jax walks over and grabs Ryder and they walk out. Opie then grabs the carseats and say "come on baby". Walking downstairs I grab my purse and keys and follow the guys outside, looking around Opie says "hey your safe" nodding I walk to my car and unlock it and open the back door for Jax to put Ryder in. After the boys and the bags are in I get in the driver seat, looking down at my shaking hands I look at Opie and say "I don't think I can drive right now", Opie sees my hands and says "push over and I will drive", getting into the passenger seat Opie starts the car and starts driving to his house. Getting to his house the guys help bring our bags and the boys in then the leave. Opie places Ryder in Kenny's room since they will be at Gemma's for the night then puts the twins in Ellie's room. Walking back into the living room he see me crying, walking over to me he sits and pulls me close saying "the boys are safe, you are safe. nothing will happen, I'm here now.". When I finally come down he says "let's get you to bed" and he lifts me up and carrys me to his bedroom, before he sets me down on the bed I said "not" and he cuts me off says "she didn't sleep here, she slepted in the spare room and we didn't have sex, we only kissed once but it didn't feel right so I didn't kiss her again." I nod and he lays me down. He goes to leave but I grab his arm and say "please stay with me" he nods and strips to his boxer and climbs in behind me. Safe in Opie's tight warm embrace I fall sleep.

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