Chapter 1

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For the past five years it's just been me, Haddy Mae Rollins and my five year old son Ryder James Rollins. When I got pregnant with Ryder at the age of twenty, I moved to Charming California leaving my abusive drug addict ex behind in Florida. I was beaten to the point I was unconscious daily but I was in love so I stayed, he made me believe it was my fault i was getting beat but when I got pregnant I knew I had to leave. I was scared he would beat me so bad that the baby would die or worst he would hurt the baby once it was born so I left. I got a restraining order on him in Florida and in California to make sure he never comes near me or my baby again. I also got my gun license, brought a gun and learn to use it incase my ex found me, I also took self defense classes after I had Ryder and when Ryder got four I started showing him how to throw a punch and defend himself. It get's lonely at times, I don't date, I don't go out, and I have no family only Ryder. My parents got into a fatal car accident when I was eighteen and I was and only child, so Ryder and I only have each other. I'm raising my son to be a man his father could never be. I'm raising him to never raise his hand to a female. To be a gentleman. To never back down and stand his grown and to stand up for those who can't defend themselves so it's no surprise I'm in my car headed to his school because he got into a fight.

It All Started With A Fight (Opie Winston)Where stories live. Discover now