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Catalina couldn't sleep

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Catalina couldn't sleep. The same car from the other day was parked in the exact spot that it was before. She could see that there was someone in the drivers seat and that was causing her nerves to grow. She kept shuffling around the room but always returned to the window. Each time Catalina looked at the alarm clock next to her bed, it was later and later. As she sat awake, somehow Ez came into her brain.

Something was no longer making sense to her about EZ's story. Let's get this straight, Ezekiel killed a cop. Even though it was an accident, he still did it. And he served less than half of his sentence. That didn't make sense. The murder of a cop was an offense not taken lightly in jail so it was more likely that he would serve his entire sentence or more. And as soon as he got out, he joined the club that he didn't want to be in in the first place.

Things weren't adding up. Would they have let him out because the cop was dirty? Because either way, he killed someone. He had to have made a deal. Catalina opened her bedroom door and began to walk down the hallway to the kitchen. She poked her head into Elena's room, across from EZ's closed door, making sure the child was fast asleep. Once she got to the kitchen, she grabbed a glass from the cabinet and opened the fridge to pour a glass of water. As she pressed the button, she heard EZ's bedroom door open and footsteps coming towards her.

Catalina turned, the string on her shorts tapping against her bare thigh. EZ appeared behind her. He was dressed in a grey wife beater, that somehow made his muscles look larger, and black sweatpants. "What are you doing up? I could hear you walking around your room" He asked, leaning against the counter next to the stove. "There's just something bothering me. What you told me doesn't add up. They let you out because the cop you killed was dirty. You served less than half of your sentence.

And as soon as you got out, you joined the club that neither of us wanted you to be in. And now, there is a man whose been sitting outside this house for a few days. So I need you to tell me the truth, Ezekiel" Catalina said. EZ stood up straight, running a hand over his face. He wasn't surprised that she had figured it out. If anyone was going to, it was gonna be her. She was too smart. "The FBI offered me a deal. I would get early release if I joined the club and deliver them a parcel every other week on the clubs dealings with the Galindo cartel" he informed.

Catalina nodded, taking a sip of the water. "And the man outside?" She asked. "An agent, who shouldn't be out there" EZ said, looking through the blinds. "Why didn't you just tell me?" Catalina asked, "I would've understood". Ezekiel, clearly shocked, came and stood next to the young mother. She looked restless and he felt bad that his personal problems kept her up all night. "I didn't know how you'd react. Padrino is your dad, Galindo is your cousin. I thought that you would be pissed. There were just so many different outcomes I was picturing" He says.

"I haven't told anybody this. My brother Esai wasn't killed by a rival gang. My father had my brother murdered" Catalina revealed, tearfully. "What? By who?" EZ turned to her. "A man named Happy from Samcro. I never told anyone, not even my mom. What would stop him from killing me just like he killed Esai? I couldn't chance him harming Elena so I've played along for all these years out of fear" She said, breaking into tears. "I won't let him hurt you or Elena, Lina" He said, wrapping his arms around her as she shook.

After a few minutes of EZ consoling Catalina, she spoke as his hands raised to her face. "I know that you, Angel, Coco, and Gilly are working with Los Olvidados to take the drug business from Galindo. I've been taking medical supplies from the hospital for Adelita while you've been away. We can't keep anything else from each other, EZ. We need to be completely truthful if the three of us being a family is going to work" His thumbs wiped away the tears that rolled down her face. "I agree" He said, nodding. The two stood like that for a minute before Catalina took a step back. "You need to tell Angel the truth, Ezekiel. He deserves to know the truth and it's gonna be worse if he finds out on his own" She said, making him nod.

"Alright, I'm gonna go get some sleep. You should do the same" Catalina said. "I will as soon as I tell that asshole to move from the house" EZ said walking towards the front door. "Are you going to the camp tomorrow? I have to bring Adelita the supplies" Catalina said. "Yeah, I'll be up around 10. Coco's coming to pick us up" He replied. She nodded before turning down the hallway, "Goodnight". He said the same to her before she entered her bedroom and closed the door. Catalina climbed into her bed and looked at her alarm clock. 5:00. She would try to get at least four hours of sleep before the morning.

Although EZ wasn't too keen on Elena being at her grandparent's house after what Catalina told him, he still dropped his daughter off. The two would only be gone for a few hours and she assured him that her dad wouldn't be home. He was always too busy with the club, just like when Catalina was a kid and Tessa was a baby. After they dropped off Elena, they rushed back home before Coco and the others arrived. Catalina grabbed a brown leather backpack out of the back of her closet and began to fill it with the medical supplies that she took from the hospital. Surgical tape, band-aids, gauze, antiseptic, and high-milligram painkillers.

Someone outside honked the horn of their car rapidly. "It's Coco! Let's go!" EZ called from the living room. Catalina quickly threw everything in a knapsack inside her bag before following the father of her child out of their house and into the truck. "Hola, Catalina. Looking as fine as usual" Coco said, looking at her in the rear view mirror. She just rolled her eyes and laughed, knowing he was just joking. "Hey! Eyes up front" EZ said defensively. "Chill, prospect. I'm not coming after your lady" He responded. Catalina sat quietly, waiting EZ to say that the two weren't together but it never came. He was just as quiet as she was.

After about an hour of driving South, they finally pulled up to the mountains where they saw multiple kids in animal masks with guns pointed towards the car. Once Adelita saw it was them, she told the kids to stand down. Angel got out and pulled up the seat so EZ and Catalina could get out. "There's no signal out there. We tried to give you a head's up" Angel said. "I know. We'll give you our satellite number" Adelita said, walking under the tent. As they walked closer, she turned around with a child who couldn't be more than one. Once Catalina was able to get a better look at the child, she recognized it to be Emily's son. If she remembered correctly, his name was Cristobal.

Ironically, Catalina was one of the nurses in the room when Emily had her son. Miguel trusted that his cousin would keep both his wife and son safe through childbirth, and that she did. Look at her now. An accessory to her baby cousin's kidnapping. "Take him" Adelita said in Spanish to her colleague. Before Catalina could speak, EZ did. "I'll take him" He said. Adelita reluctantly handed over the child wrapped in a cloth blanket. Both Angel and Catalina were giving Ezekiel the same look but for different reasons. She felt a little jealous that Ez would never get that experience with their daughter and that he jumped at the chance to hold Emily's son. But she shook it off and handed Adelita the knapsack filled with supplies.

"Here's everything you asked for. Be careful with the painkillers because they're strong. You should only need one" Catalina said. "Gracias, Lina! I really appreciate all your help" The leader said. "It's no problem" She nodded before walking over to Ezekiel. He stood off to the side, rocking Cristobal in his arms. "He's actually kinda cute, isn't he?" Catalina said. Ez looked down at the little boy who stared back up at him. "Yeah, he is. I can't believe I missed out on all this with Elena" He said. "I know, but you're here now. Can you hold him up so I can listen to his heartbeat?" She asked, pulling her stethoscope out of her bag and putting it in her ears.

photograph ⇎ EZ ReyesWhere stories live. Discover now