"You want the Major darlin, you've got him." Jasper said but Carlisle came through the door. "Jasper you can't." "The Major doesn't have a soul, Carlisle. It is our only chance." Jasper stated and Carlisle hesitantly nodded, stepping back. Jasper closed his eyes, a change happening within him that the demon across from him could feel. A giddy smile lit up her face as Carlisle frowned. Opening back up his eyes, there was no gold left in the irises of Jasper's eyes, just coal black. 

"Welcome Major

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"Welcome Major." Abbadon smirked and his head snapped to the sound of her sultry voice. "Mate." He hissed out. "Major." Carlisle said lowly, getting his attention, but also knowing he needed to take the utmost caution. The Major faced Carlisle, looking at him. "Carlisle." He growled. "You're mate, Abbadon, she needs to feed. I'm sure Jasper has informed you why he let you free." Carlisle cautiously added. "He has." "We need to take her to a place where she can feed but no one can carry her but you. You are your mates best chance at survival." Carlisle admitted and a slight growl came from the Major's lips. He looked back over to Abbadon, walking over to her. "You will come with us." He stated. "I'll kill you all." She hissed. "You can't kill me darlin. I'm the god of war. Your daddy's creation." The major smirked back at her as he picked her up. Screaming she tried to claw and bite him. "Let me go!" She screeched. "You're just going to tire yourself out." The Major sassed and Abbadon growled at him. "Carlisle." The major commanded, looking at him. "Do what you need."

Carlisle drove as fast as he could as he heard the growls from the backseat of a struggling demon. Abbadon was pressed into the Major's chest, his arms wrapped around her. There were seconds where it would turn quiet and Carlisle would look into the rear view mirror and see the shining purple eyes of Abbadon break through. In those moments, she seemed to relax into his arms, and a tired smile would make its way to her face. Glancing to the Major, Carlisle had never seen him so calm, especially when Abbadon was back to herself in those split seconds. He seemed to even have emotion in his coal black eyes tha Carlisle couldn't quite decipher for when Carlisle would look too long, the Major would look up, glaring at the blond haired doctor.

The Major thought that at least one of the thoughts going through Jasper's head was correct since the first day he had seen her. Abbadon was the most beautiful creature he had ever had the privilege to lay eyes on. She was smart, whitty, and had a sense of humor that would match even Emmett's. Most of all she made Jasper happy, and even if he didn't show it, that was all the Major wanted.

The three had made it to the club Alice had told them about in record time, only breaking a few dozen traffic laws. Carlisle had parked the car in an alleyway.  As he held the door as the Major helped her out. "I appreciate the help boys. Carlisle is probably going to want Jasper to come back, but you seem to be much more fun." Abbadon purred looking into the Major's coal black eyes with her similar ones. "It may be more fun for you, but I will never hear the end of it." The Major smirked as she turned away. "Hum. Well, have it your way." Abbadon said spying two drunk men passed out. Her black eyes shimmered in hunger as the two men watched as she seemed to embody lust. Her hips swayed and it seemed just watching her should have been a sin of its own.


Jasper slowly took back over his body as he watched his mate, knowing that the Major wouldn't take her feeding habits too well. Jasper and Carlisle thought it almost a mirage as her red horns extended through her voluminous brunette hair, her pointed tail slithering up to her shoulders. Bending down, her lips were just inches away from theirs, as a blue mist transferred from their mouths to hers. Jasper growled silently as Carlisle laid a hand on his shoulder.

The energy seemed to rejuvenate her as her body almost shook from the souls her body craved. The blue mist that was transmitted from their body to hers was an exotic blue that even as vampires you don't get to see very often in the rainbow of colors. As the mist started to fade out, her tail came from behind her, stabbing through the chest cavity of her victim, ripping the heart out of their corpse, speared in the end of the pointed appendage. She was honestly a mystery. A beautiful mystery, but a mystery all the same.

**Warning over**⚠️⚠️⚠️

It took several men later, but she was soon back to her old self. All demonic aspects of Abbadon were now gone. Jasper had seen how fatal she could be to a human, but Jasper couldn't figure out why she was terrified to hurt them. They were practically indestructible. 

Jasper snuck up behind her after she seemed to be sustained, placing his arms around her shoulders. He felt her tense and then relaxed. She chirped and growled at the same time. It was a strange sound he had to admit, but he instantly found it to be his favorite sound in the universe as she then sunk into his chest as soon as the sound started. From that moment Jasper knew he would try to ignite that sound from her at all times. Abbadon's sound of complete contentment.

Abby then turned around in Jasper's arms and put her hands on his chest. "I'm sorry for scaring you." Abby said and Carlisle smiled lightly. "It takes a lot more than that to scare me darlin." Jasper smiled down at her and Abbadon smirked. "Is that so?" She asked and Jasper smiled. "You may not want to say that too loudly, because I need to show you my true form Jasper. It needs to be as far away from humans as we can get as I can become very dangerous." Abby said and Jasper nodded looking over to Carlisle. "I think we can do that." "Not even Bella, until she is changed that is." " Alright darlin. I will let the others know." Jasper said as Carlisle pulled out his phone.

"Where are my keys?" Abby asked. "Carlisle still has them." Jasper said, "Why?" "Nobody drives my baby but me." Abby stated and Jasper laughed. "You sound like Edward and his Volvo." Jasper jokes. "Don't compare me to your weird brother." Abby smiled as she elbowed her mate.

On the way back to Forks, Carlisle spoke, "Alice has everyone out by the baseball field." "Why the baseball field? Everything bad happens in that field." Jasper grumbled. "It'll be okay Jazz. I won't let anyone hurt you." Abby said seriously. "I'm not worried about me." Jasper said, looking at Abby and glancing back at Carlisle.

They soon came to a field that was close to the Cullen house. All of the Cullens were standing along the tree line, curious about what lay in store for them. Carlisle was even interested as he had never seen her in her truest form. "Jasper, I know what I said in the car, but I'm gonna have to take back my words. I'm sorry to ask this from you, but I am going to need someone to hurt you. Just know whomever it is I will not come after you, I just need it as a trigger. Let it be warned that in an actual situation that person will be killed Gruesomely." Abbadon said seriously. Jasper mind linked with Edward. 'Run forward and bite me. Then run back.' Jasper sent his thoughts to his brother and Edward looked at him like he was crazy. 'Edward, you're the fastest. Do it!' Jasper yelled in his mind and that is exactly what he did. Edward bit into Jasper's shoulder causing him to hiss in pain. The Cullen's all saw the most amazing thing they have ever seen!

The small girl that had once stood before them, was now completely red, with blue veins running under the seemingly thick skin, her horns protruding from her scalp, her tail whipping in the air, the speared end itching to implant itself into someone's body cavity.  Her eyes were completely onyx, black as night, as rows of razor sharp teeth lined the inside of her delicately placed mouth. The white claws that seemed to protrude out of her fingertips, replacing her fingernails, and finally the guttural growl that ripped from her chest was enough to make the entire family take a few steps back. Abbadon was the Epitome of everything, she screamed danger, death encased her like a second skin, but also she was the most beautiful and elegant creature Jasper had ever laid his eyes on. She may have been death on legs but Jasper felt nothing but relaxed and protected when she was in this form. When she was in her human form Jasper was her protector; in this form she was his. his demon in goddess's clothing.

In which case she was his angel to his demons, and it was the same for her. Exactly the same. They were a team, a pair, mates, Jasper Hale is her serptin, and she is his mate, and together they are perfect, but apart they are deadly.

A/N: I have to admit I was surprised where this went , but I was also pleasantly surprised! I hope you are as well! Let me know in the comments!


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