A/N Big Update Notice 5/3/23

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If you haven't noticed there has been some big changes to this story.

#1.) The characters name is Abbadon now, no longer Lucy. I was reading too many storys with the devils daughter names Lucy and wanted to change it up. If you are wanting to know how to say it here it is phonetically.  ahh-bah-don or here is a video

#2.) There is a new face claim for Abbadon and her mother Herminie. 

#3.) The POV has changed. The whole story will be in third person's point of view as the first was giving me hard cringe vibes. I have changed my writing style since i started this story and it was no longer a thing I could take. I don't know if I will be updating all of my stories this way, if I do it will be more of a drawn out process.

#4.) I would highly suggest rereading. There is a lot of new information in the story, some new filler, ect. If you don't want to that's on you but there may be some things that have slightly changed, so you have been warned. 

#5.) I know I have been late, really really late, on updates for this story and most of my other ones, but I do own my own business and I truly do only do write in my free time. I'm coming up with new ideas all the time as you can probably see by all the little unfinished stories on my page. There are times when i really don't feel like writing or have fallen off with the story until an idea pops into my head, then I continue it. I do see everyone's messages for updates and I just wanted to throw that out there. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2023 ⏰

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