Nick the Knight and Jon the Android

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"Don’t move too much, you could make it worse.” I looked up to the top of the staircase, where two boys stood. The older looked to be about my age, roughly as tall as me too. Straight brown hair that laid flat against his head and neck. His muddy green eyes and a sprinkle of freckles tied his...very baggy clothes together surprisingly well. The younger boy stood no taller than his hip. His hair was darker than the first boy’s, but not quite black. He also had muddy green eyes and freckles, but his clothes seemed to fit his body a little bit better.

As the older boy started down the stairs, I subconsciously began pushing myself away with my good leg. “Who are you two? What are you doing here?”

The older seemed to struggle to get his words out. He couldn’t even look me in the face. “Uh...I’m...I’m uh...N-Nick.” He stammered.

“And I am an Android!" The Younger boy yelled with a bright smile. His energy seemed boundless. “But that’s not my name! You must call me Jon, which is my real name.”

I paused for a moment. Nick obviously had social anxiety. Jon was ultrahyper. That isn’t even a word, but it’s the only way I can describe him. Nick is fourteen at most, and Jon is maybe four or five...I don’t have much of a choice other than trusting them. For now, at least. “I’m Luna, Luna Ann Grayson.”

I let out a huff, crossing my arms over my chest. The headache in the back of my head had finally stopped growing. I left that situation with this throbbing pain in my brain and a sprained ankle. Nick had helped me onto one of the forgotten couches while Jon went to get a pillow to put under my leg. “ be okay a-alone while I uh...go get s-something to patch you up with?” Nick stammered.

This made me smile. He’s kinda adorable. “I have a first aid kit in my backpack, in the kitchen. And yeah, I promise I won’t break anymore steps while you’re gone.”

Nick chuckled softly and looked away. His face turned cherry red, as if he had just confessed to his crush. “Y-yeah! I um...I know that haha…” He quickly stumbled away, avoiding eye contact the entire time.

I fiddled with the sleeve of my jacket as I thought. I had thought about calling Aunt Hannah to tell her where I was. I considered asking her to come get me, especially now that two people have seen me. I was starting to regret leaving in the first place. “Hey!” Jon startled me as he jumped into my lap, clutching a pillow. “Is this big enough?”

He was holding one of Aunt Hannah’s fancy pillows. She hated how expensive they looked, but supposedly they were really comfortable. I wouldn’t know, I was never aloud in their room. “Yeah, that’s great. Put it under my foot.” I lifted my leg up and Jon slid the pillow into place.

“Wow, this is really comfortable.” I said with a giggle. Jon sat back down in my lap and smiled as he began word vomiting about everything. I couldn’t understand half of it, so I just nodded my head and agreed with whatever he said. Nick came back soon after with the first aid kit.

“Jon, get down! S-she’s a guest and...we don’t want her to feel u-un-uncomfortable.” Nick stumbled over his own words as he began unpacking the things he needed. Jon silently obeyed.

“He was fine, I don’t mind it.” I said with a shrug. Nick looked panicked, as if he had done something wrong. “B-but it’s okay! This will give you more room to work!” He let out a relieved sigh, which made me feel better. I didn’t want to be the cause of a mental meltdown.

Once Nick had finished dressing my ankle and putting everything he didn’t use away, he sat down at the end of the couch. He pulled Jon up into his lap, who seemed excited to be included. “So, h-how did you get here?” He asked.

“Bused part of the way, drove the rest. What about you?”

“Biked. We’ve been here for...two days.”  Nick said softly. Jons began nodding off, but quickly raised his head up as if he wasn’t falling asleep.

“I used to live here, with my aunt and uncle. Left when I was eight.” I whispered with a shrug. “It was pretty sudden, obviously we left a lot behind.”

Nick nodded his head slowly in understanding. He seemed to be a little more comfortable now that Jon had fallen asleep. Maybe he put up a guard whenever his brother is here? I wonder why. “It’s a lot more comfortable with furniture here. There’s a truck stop a mile that way,” He nodded his head to the side. “That’s where we go to shower and get bottles of water.”

“How do you compensate for heat and electricity?" I leaned k against the arm of the sofa. “It’s starting to get cold outside, soon enough blankets and the fireplace won’t be enough.”

Nick began standing up. “W-we house hop. Some people let us stay in t-their garages at night as long as we’re gone by morning.” He paused, shifting so he was holding Jon more comfortably. "L-let's talk more later.”

I nodded as he vanished into the hall. My mind wandered to the stairs. Could it be termites that made the wood weak enough to break when I stepped on it? It could also be old. It could have ended a lot worse, I could’ve died falling down the stairs. But I didn’t, and I’m thankful for it. I don’t think I could rest easy until I know what really happened.

Nick came back a moment later. He offered his hand to me. “Here, let me help you get to a bed. You probably shouldn’t walk on that leg for a few days.” I gently took his hand. “You’re welcome to stay as long as you need.”

I shook my head, looping my arm around Nicks shoulder so he could support me. “I can’t stay here too long, two days at most. I need to finish looking for clues and get out. No exceptions.”

“Y-you’re hurt, you have to stay for a little bit. It may be a week or more before you can walk again.” Nick lead me towards the stairs. He gently began helping me up each step, avoiding the spots he says are the weakest. “You d-don’t have a lot of options…”

I bit my lip as I hobbled up the stairs. He was right, I didn’t have many options. But that wasn’t gonna stop me from doing what I came here to do. “I’m going. On my own feet too, unless you want to carry me to my next location?”  
“I will!” Nick didn’t even hesitate. That was not the response I was expecting.  I figured he would go quiet, then leave me to do my thing.

“You don’t have to, I was only going to-”

“I’ll do it, I’m not going to leave an injured girl alone to walk all by herself. So you’re either staying here so I can keep an eye on your wound, or I’m going with you.” Nick snapped, making me flinch. He was really serious about this.

In a final attempt at a protest, I said, “What about Jon? What are you going to do with him.”

“He will come too.” Nick had a plan for everything. At the top of the stairs, he led me to Aunt Hannah’s old room. It looked brand new, other then five years of dust and cobwebs. I sat down on the bed and propped my ankle up on the bed. We didn’t have any anti-inflammatories, I’m resorting to R.I.C.E. I laid back on the other pillows to rest, we don’t have any ice or running water, the bandages are compressing the injury, and one of the pillows was put under my ankle to elevate it.

“Good night,” Nick said softly as he stood up. “ Call for me if you need anything.”

I didn’t say anything. There was no point debating with him anymore, he’s too trusting and good to people. I could be a possible murderer and he has been tending my wounds. Then again, he could be a murderer, waiting until I fall asleep to stab me and watch as the life drains from my body. Or maybe a human trafficker? Just waiting to tie me up and ship me to a high paying customer who will do who knows what? Or maybe-

I didn’t get much sleep last night.

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