Chapter 21: The Battle

Comenzar desde el principio

I looked back down at all of the vampires running around and the werewolves chasing them. Their red eyes shined brightly even with the gray of the clouds in the background. I did notice that, in fact, Peridot was right. The werewolves were faster than the vampires. When the vampires were running at what appeared to be their top speed, it didn't take long for a werewolf to catch up to them. Then that led to the vampire's violent death.

"Are you sure there are fifty?" I asked.

"It appears that they made more in between the last time I checked on them and now," Peridot replied. "Perhaps it's less safe out here than I thought it was."

"Does that mean we have to go back inside?" I asked.

"Probably," she answered.

I grabbed her hand and followed her back inside the tent. When we sat down, I felt a shiver go up my spine. Along with that, my face was uncomfortably cold. Peridot wrapped her arms around me to warm me up. In attempt to return my face's temperature to normal, I laid my head on her chest.

"Remember," she said. "If you get hungry, we have some soup."

"I know," I responded.

She smiled at me and ran her fingers through her hair while humming some tune. I almost closed my eyes and went to sleep, but the chaos from the bottom of the hill kept me awake. Peridot looked around the tent suspiciously, then she looked back at me.

"Is something wrong?" She asked.

"I'm just a little cold," I replied. "I want to be warm again."

"I understand," she said. "We'll be home soon. Hopefully."

I groaned. "Hopefully?" I asked.

"You never know how long these vampires will run around, though I can say that they won't have enough time to create more," she repsonded. "Which means that if we eliminate the creator, we've eliminated the entire threat and can go home without a worry."

"I hope we eliminate this creator soon then," I said.

"I agree," she replied to me.

I looked up at Peridot. "What if I killed one of them?" I asked.

Her eyes widened. "I would be surprised," she answered me. "And rather impressed."

I snickered and hugged her. "You'd be impressed?"

"Very much so." She kissed my head and sighed happily. "I wish it could always be this peaceful."

"Besides the massacre happening nearby," I said. "But, besides, you know that's inevitable."

She laughed scratchily. "Inevitable indeed," she replied. "You're not cold anymore, are you?"

"No," I answered. "You've warmed me up."

"Good," she said.

Suddenly, she looked towards the zipper of the tent. She sniffed the air and began to growl at something outside of the tent.

"Vampire," she hissed.

Quickly, she zoomed out of the tent. I followed her, far behind her, out of pure curiosity. I watched her launch herself towards the pale creature.

"Wait!" The voice rang out towards us.

Peridot gasped and fell to the ground, barely missing the vampire.

"Bismuth!" She shouted. "Why the hell would you do that?!"

Bismuth ran onto the top of the hill. "I'm sorry," she said. "I just couldn't let you hurt that vampire."

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