Chapter 21: The Battle

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"It's starting."

Peridot hissed it under her breath. She wrapped her arm around my waist and pulled me closer than she already had to herself.

"The vampires?" I asked. "Th-they're here?"

"Yes," Peridot replied. She kissed my head. "I'll protect you. You'll be fine," she said.

"Did you see them?" I asked.

"Early this morning," she answered me. "You were asleep. I woke up and saw the first ones coming towards us. They were chased around for a bit before finally being caught."

"So they're really coming for me?" I asked.

"I'm not letting them near you," she replied. "You don't need to worry about it."

I watched the tent's walls suspiciously and listened to the commotion. It was easy to hear the ripping from the bottom of the hill. It was a disgusting noise. Peridot was looking around the tent with an expression of mixed disgust and suspicion.

"Will they come up here?" I asked.

"Possibly," Peridot replied. "They'd have to get past the others first though."

She continued to watch the walls of the tent suspiciously. I looked at her. Her eyes didn't move from the walls. She watched them with so much focus that I almost believed that even pushing her down wouldn't distract her.

"...can we go out there?" I asked her suddenly.

Peridot looked at me with an extremely confused expression. All of a sudden, she laughed.

"Are you crazy?!" She cried. "You want to go out there?!"

"Yeah," I replied.

Her laughter disappeared. "You're serious," she said.

"Of course I am," I responded.

"'s not safe!" Peridot cried. "If you're out there, they'll be able to smell you! It's not safe out there!"

"I just want to see the vampires! Even if it's only for a second!" I exclaimed.

"Why?!" Peridot asked.

"Because I want something to do!" I shouted. "I don't want to have to sit in here all day, waiting for it to be over! I don't want to do that!"

She thought about it and looked at me. "Fine," she said. "But only for a little bit. If any vampires come, it's your fault."

I snickered. "I know."

She smiled at me and carefully reached towards the zipper. Slowly, she opened it, most likely trying not to attract any of the vampires on the battlefield. She let me out first and swiftly followed me out into the open. When we go to a point to where I could see the battle, I gasped. The wolves were violently grabbing the vampires and ripping them to pieces. It wasn't a sight I hadn't seen before, but there were so many being slaughtered so brutally that it really got to me.

"You okay?" Peridot asked.

"There are so many," I murmured. "They're all being torn apart..."

"They have to," she replied. "It's for you. They'll tear you apart if we keep them alive."

"What about Jasper?" I asked.

"Haven't seen her yet," Peridot answered me. "None of them have yet."

"Shouldn't we locate her?" I asked.

"Yeah," Peridot responded. "It would be unsafe to leave the hill though."

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