Chapter 17 Give It To Me Straight

Start from the beginning

Obito what would you do right now?

She would betray me... I can just feel it... Why the hell can't I make up my mind about her?

I feel as though she is a great person but also like she is just waiting to get me alone to stab me in the back.

"Kaka? Are you home?" I groan and rub my forehead as I hear Saya walk through the front door.

Just what I need right now... Wait she isn't a ninja, so I can sneak off.

I jump out the window beside me quickly and I poof away to the KIA stone and I sigh in relief to see no one else around.

I really need to get myself together here, hiding from my girlfriend, kissing my worst enemy...

Oh well Saya will never find out because she does not know how to detect chakra. Also the kiss didn't even count with Mala. I had my mask on and stopped it before it happened without it.

I can't help my selfish nature, I want both of them and I have a feeling if I tried to I could get them both.

"Kakashi-Sensei?" I turn to see Sakura standing near the stone looking slightly uncomfortable so I pat the spot on the grass beside me and she gratefully takes a seat.

"I wanted to talk to you about a few things." She says and I sigh waiting for her to start.

"Is there something going on between you and Mala-Sensei? The way you two look at each other it almost seems like you have feelings there that are more then friends." She says and I stare at her with shock.

So Jiraiya is not the only one who sees?! Do I really love her?

How could I have not seen it though... But I love Saya too...

"Sakura I am with Saya and I love her very much, the thing about Mala and I is that we were enemies for so long that now we don't understand these feelings because all we have ever felt toward each other is anger or hate." I say simply and she nods and I almost sigh in relief that she accepts it.

"I think you should clear things up with Mala-Sensei, I think that she sees you as more then a friend." She says and I stare at her in shock again.

She is really gutsy today!

"Just tell her that you don't love her because you are only hurting her by leading her on." She says with a determined expression on her face and I nod.

"You're right Sakura... I should tell her the truth, that I am with Saya and that is the end of it." I state and she nods and she gives me a smile.

"I just don't want to see the team be split up." She says and I nod and she leaves.

I never took her for the type who would be straight up like that, especially with such a sensitive topic.

I sigh and I lay down on the grass and stare up at the stars starting to come out.

Tomorrow before Sasuke and I leave to train I will clear things up with her.


I open my eyes feeling light headed and dizzy and I feel slightly worried when I don't recognize my surroundings.

"Where am I?" I ask and my throat feels like sandpaper so I cough slightly.

"Take a drink." A cold voice says that gives me goosebumps and I look to my right to see a lake so I crawl over to it and I sip at the water feeling immediate relief in my throat.

"Who are you?" I ask and I turn around to see a boy around the age of twelve or thirteen with completely light jade eyes with no pupils, thick black eyeliner, short red hair, and the word love on his forehead that doesn't seem to suit him too well.

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