Desperately, I looked at the creepy person, who was the only one that could help me, but he or she just stood there, staring at us (I guessed they were, I couldn't know with that mask on) silently "Please, c-can you do something?" I begged. I wasn't going to lose her, not again.

Thunderlight approached us slowly, looking at his rider with what seemed a sad expression. The person then tilted their head to the side and approached us, I tensed and grabbed 'Lex tightly when they knelt down and put their thumb in her wrist. I knew I had asked for help, but I still didn't trust them that much.

The stranger stayed with their thumb in my friend's wrist for like ten seconds, the ten most agonizing seconds of my entire life, before nodding and backing off.

"She's...she's alive?" I asked hopeful. The person nodded again, and I let out a sigh of relief.

Lexa then started to cough as I looked down at her; she opened her eyes softly and, when she saw me, they shot open "Hiccup! Thank the gods!" she sat straight and hugged me, I blushed and hugged her back "I was so worried!" she said in my neck before backing off, though I wished she hadn't. It felt good to be holding her like that "Are you okay?" I nodded, and then her dragon started to lick her face, happy to see his rider conscious.

Lexa's POV

I smiled lightly as Thunderlight licked my face, but then my eye caught something behind us. I turned around to find a mysterious person with a really creepy mask covering their face. I gasped and scurried backwards, bumping into Hiccup in the process, though I didn't care much. I was afraid.

"H-hey, calm down!" said my friend, grabbing me from the shoulders softly. I turned to look at him, and saw how close we were. My mind instantly went back to that time we had almost kissed in his room, we were so close...But, of course, we had to be interrupted.

Turned out the person at the door was Astrid, who was bringing the message that Stoick had been worried sick all day looking for him. Hiccup hadn't told him we were spending the day together.

Astrid knew something was up when she saw the blush in our faces and our awkward goodbyes, because I most definitely had to leave. She asked me about it once we were far from the house:

"What was that all about?" I glanced at her for a split second.

"I have no idea what you are talking about" I lied. Of course I knew, but she didn't need to know, right?

"Okay, that's the biggest lie I've ever heard" she said "You were all blushing and acting all awkward and..." she trailed off, leaving the phrase incomplete. She looked back at the house, now some miles away, and then back at me. She repeated the process for a few times, before opening her eyes wide "You kissed!" I looked to my feet slightly embarrassed.

"Almost" I said in a murmur, but she heard anyways.

"What do you mean almost?" I looked back at her, just as she came to the conclusion "I interrupted, didn't I?"

"It's alright" I said, shoving it off. I wasn't mad at her, she didn't know.

"Oh, gods! I'm so stupid!" for what? Not knowing? No one was stupid because of that!

"Astrid, seriously, it's nothing" I said, with a reassuring smile, but she didn't seem like letting it go.

"I'm so sorry, Lexi!" she said, almost with guilt. I rolled my eyes; she had nothing to be sorry for "It's just that Stoick's been worried sick wondering where Hiccup was! Where were you today?" just as the chief, she had no idea Hiccup has been with me this whole time.

"Uh...With Hiccup. We spent the day together" her face was immediately replaced by a really happy smile.

"Really?! That's great!" she said, punching me in the shoulder. That was how Astrid showed affection, I got used to it as the days went by "Uh, why is your hair wet?" she asked, trying to dry up her hand. She had touched my hair by accident.

"Oh" I said, throwing it back so it wouldn't bother anymore "Hiccup, thought it would be funny to sink me in a lake"

The almost kiss was never spoken about ever again, at least, not with him. Though I had thought about it a few times...Okay, many times. And I secretly hoped Hiccup had, too.

The mysterious person shook their staff while pointing at one dragon. We stood up, wondering what they wanted to do. The dragon replied by igniting a flame that was enough to illuminate the area, so we could see each other's faces. Soon, the other dragons did the same.

I looked around me; there were hundreds of dragons in such a small space, I didn't know how they could all fit inside. I looked back at Hiccup with a frown, but he looked pretty confused as to what was going on as well.

Our dragons got closer to us and groaned, trying to protect us from this mysterious person that was approaching us slowly.

Thunderlight positioned himself a few steps ahead from us, growling softly, but this person raised their hand in front of him, and I took a step forward, ready to attack if they tried anything to hurt him. I didn't even care who it was, or what they could do, no one messed with my dragon.

But, suddenly, Thunderlight's pupils dilated and he fell to the floor, almost as if he was enjoying it, while I just looked at him as if he was crazy. I gazed at Hiccup, who just shrugged, not really understanding either.

Then, the stranger approached Hiccup, and Toothless wrapped his tail around him protectively. Thunderlight was still on the floor. The masked person repeated the same process with Toothless, and started to approach the Viking slowly. I took a step forward towards them, but Hiccup saw me and shook his head, almost as a warning: 'Don't do it, we don't know what they could do to you'

I stood back, but didn't let my guard down, just in case.

The person continued approaching him, with their hand still trying to reach the rider, as if they wanted to do the same thing they had done with our dragons. They reached for their face, but Hiccup leaned back, as a way of protecting himself.

"Uh, uh..." he said. The masked person stopped and gasped when they saw something on Hiccup's face. I then remembered the scar on his chin, just underneath the bottom lip, made by a dragon on one old dragon raid when he was just a baby, but...What was there about it that surprised the person so much? It was just a scar, right?

"Hiccup?" my thoughts were interrupted by the person speaking in a low voice; it sounded like a woman. How did she know his name?

She took off her mask and all the stuff (Or clothes) she was wearing, revealing, indeed, a woman. She didn't look that old, but neither young. She seemed about forty, no more than that. She had really, really, long hair that reached the floor and her eyes were of a forest green, just like Hiccup's.

Surprised, I noticed all her features reassembled Hiccup's. How could that be possible? Who was that woman?

"C-could it be?" she asked loudly, but I didn't know to whom. No one was going to give her an answer "After all these years? How is this possible?" I frowned. 

What was going on?

"Uh, should I...?" Hiccup took a quick glance at me before replying "Should I know you?" he asked, just like he had asked me when I found him in that island. Her face became solemn as she replied:

"No" she sounded really sad, why did she sound like that? "You were only a babe" I frowned again, what did she meant by that? Hiccup looked as confused as I was, maybe even more "But a mother never forgets"

Wait, what?!

Hiccup gasped, and, before he could even reply, I did it for him.

"She is your mother?!"

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