Somehow you were still on cloud nine from last night, brain turning and replaying every detail except the ones' you didn't want to remember, romanticizing each moment to the point where if this were a movie, it'd be a soft romance. You found yourself not only leaning into his outstretched grasp, but him leaning into yours too and whether he'd admit it outright or not you were unsure but all you knew was that he was accepting, willing to give you time and patience which was something you needed.

And well, you were ready to give him years that he missed out on.

You find yourself standing at the kitchen door frame, dressing gown draped over your pyjamas and hair thrown around in the worst doo you'd done in days but you looked no better then Tom who wore a shirt with a magnitude of tiny holes in the front, and sweatpants with wrinkles that ran for days. Comfort came naturally for both of you, there was no 'honeymoon phase' this time.

"What did you guys do? It's only Eight in the morning." You rub your eyes, trying to make out the scene in front of you and once you do, you nearly gasp in shock at the mess that decorated the once clean kitchen.

You knew Tom wasn't exactly one to cook, it wasn't a big skill of his and he tended to rely on his chef for each of his meals so cooking by himself was a task, but adding a four year old to the mix was an even bigger task and one he felt he was prepared for before actually getting into the kitchen. He had to watch Rosie constantly to make sure she didn't decide to eat the waffle mixture, afraid that she'd end up ill after consuming raw egg or flour.

He also had to keep his eye on the waffle iron to make sure the food didn't burn, and the sink that was slowly filling with water. He had, however, entrusted Rosie with adding chocolate chips to the batter and allowed her to attempt to stir it with the wooden spoon. Which ended up with her licking the spoon as he turned his back. But flour littered the table, egg shells scattered next to your daughter and some on the floor and steam threatened to set off the smoke detectors.

"We wanted to make you breakfast!" Rosie cheers, flinging the spoon into the air causing the unmixed batter to hit the ceiling. She didn't seem phased but you crinkle your nose and tried not to laugh at Toms' horrified reaction.

You smile at her, giving the girl a kiss on the cheek and she returns it. She had been really cuddly lately. "That's nice, did you get far?"

"Daddy don't know how to cook." She shakes her head and you had just noticed how her hair was done. "He wanted to add raisins."

You playfully gasp, placing a hand over your heart and Tom chuckles, a packet of still sealed raisins sitting next to the container of chocolate chips. You loved raisins during your pregnancy, snacking on them whenever you could and because of that you had expected that Rosie would've loved them but neither of you could stand them.

"Raisins aren't that bad, okay." Tom raises his hands in defence, one hand going to the iron as he checks a waffle and nearly hisses as the steam hits his skin. "Also good morning."

You let out a yawn, hand slipping over your mouth. "Morning."

"I wanna go outside," Rosie grumbles, beginning to climb towards the edge of the table.

You were quick to race to your girl's side, grabbing her and placing her down on the tile floor instead of her falling and plummeting, causing another dreaded hospital visit. You had to admit, the clothes she'd picked out this morning wasn't entirely bad.

Tom makes a noise and begins to speak; "Are you sure that's a good-"

"Yeah, but not far, okay?" You interrupt, giving Tom a glance. Rosie needed outdoor time or she'd go ballistic, growing more and antsier as she grew bored, but he didn't know that yet.

Run To Me | BAK sequelOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz